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svn email code review的简略Perl脚本

svn email code review的简单Perl脚本??? ?对于很多没有使用code review工具的软件公司来说,code review是

svn email code review的简单Perl脚本


?? ?对于很多没有使用code review工具的软件公司来说,code review是个头疼的事,很多是定期开会review,这种方式本人一直非常反对,一个项目每个人改自己的那部分,几千行代码开个一小时会就能发现问题? 所以还是应该每次commit code时review一下,以保证代码的质量。


?? ?本人写了一个200行的Perl脚本,运行与Linux下,用于svn commit code的post review(post review 不同于pre review, 意思是code已经提交到svn后review),使用简单,在本地代码目录下直接输入codeviewing.pl,然后上一次code的commit log和diff会发通过email发到同组的开发人员邮箱中,code diff以patch的形式发送(+++和---以不同颜色加亮)。当然也支持指定revision版本review,加个revision参数就行了。



[w3zhang@ling08 src]$ codeviewing.plMail have been sent successfullyFrom: wei-jovi.zhang@***.comTo: wei-jovi.zhang@***.com Subject: [code review invitation] SS_Test: change H02 error log to info






Hi All,Please be freely to review the code below, any comments are Welcome!------------------------------------r462 | w3zhang | 2011-09-13 14:55:46 +0800 (Tue, 13 Sep 2011) | 1 lineChanged paths:   M /trunk/SS_Test/src/semper_h02.sdlchange H02 error log to info------------------------------------Index: semper_h02.sdl===================================================================--- semper_h02.sdl(revision 461)+++ semper_h02.sdl(revision 462)@@ -349,29 +349,29 @@             TASK abnm_parm.cause := semper_cause__t_ipif_up__c;         ELSE:             TASK abnm_parm.cause := semper_cause__t_ipif_dn__c;         ENDDECISION;          WHILE ( index < ip_if_info_t_max_ip_addr_c );             DECISION ( if_data.if_addr(index).ip_address.version );             ( ip_addr_t_not_def_c ):                 OUT;             ENDDECISION;              CALL ip_string( if_data.if_addr( index ), ip_str );-            TASK pr_err( @'SEMPER_H02: ip_state_ind_s.if_data'-                          'index: %d'-                          'if_status: %d'-                          'if_addr: %s',-                         index, if_data.if_status, ip_str );+            TASK pr_info( @'SEMPER_H02: ip_state_ind_s.if_data'+                           'index: %d'+                           'if_status: %d'+                           'if_addr: %s',+                          index, if_data.if_status, ip_str );



简单吧!此脚本适合于Linux下的快速组内email review, Have fun! 下面是200行的Perl脚本:



#!/usr/bin/perl -w# Author: Jovi Zhang <wei-jovi.zhang@***.com># this script is used for mail notification for svn code changeuse strict;my $mail_sender   = "wei-jovi.zhang\@***.com";my $mail_receiver = "wei-jovi.zhang\@***.com ";my $svninfo;my $subsystem;my $revision;if ($#ARGV > 0) {        print "too many parameters\n";        exit(-1);}if (defined $ARGV[0] && ($ARGV[0] eq "--help")) {        help();        exit(0);}$revision = $ARGV[0];$svninfo = get_svninfo();$subsystem = get_subsystem($svninfo);if ($subsystem eq "") {        print "Current directory is not a valid svn repository\n";        exit(0);}if (!defined $revision) {        $revision = get_lastest_revision($svninfo);}my ($changlog, $diff, $ret) = get_commit_detail($revision);if ($ret != 0) {        exit(-1);}if ($diff eq "") {        print "non diff in the revision $revision, mail not sent\n";        exit(-1);}my $commit_message = get_commit_message($changlog);send_mail($subsystem, $commit_message, $changlog, $diff, $mail_receiver);exit(0);sub help {        print "codreviewing.pl: mail notification for svn code change\n\n";        print "Usage:\n";        print "1): codreviewing.pl\n";        print "        use latest change as default revision\n";        print "2): codreviewing.pl <rev>\n";        print "        use <rev> revision\n";}sub get_svninfo {        `svn up > /dev/null`;        my $info = `svn info 2>&1`;        return $info;}sub get_subsystem {        my ($info) = @_;        my $subsystem = "";        if ($info =~ /Repository Root:.*svnroot\/(.*)/) {                $subsystem = $1;        }        return $subsystem;}sub get_lastest_revision {        my ($info) = @_;        my $rev = -1;        if ($info =~ /Last Changed Rev: ([0-9]+)/) {                $rev = $1;        }        return $rev;}sub get_commit_detail {        my ($rev) = @_;        my $log;        my $diff;        $log = `svn log -g -v -c $rev`;        if ($? != 0) {                return ($log, $diff, -1);        }        $diff = `svn diff -c $rev --diff-cmd diff -x "-U 12"`;        if ($? != 0) {                return ($log, $diff, -1);        }        return ($log, $diff, 0);}sub get_commit_message {        my ($log) = @_;        my $cimsg = "";        if ($log =~ m/\n\n(.*)\n---/ms) {                $cimsg = $1;        }        if ($cimsg eq "") {                $cimsg = "<no description message on this change>"        }        return $cimsg;}sub send_mail {        my ($subsystem, $commit_message, $changelog, $diff, $mail_receiver) = @_;        $changelog =~ s/\&/\&amp;/g;        $changelog =~ s/</\&lt;/g;        $changelog =~ s/>/\&gt;/g;        #$changelog =~ s/\n/<br>/g;        #$changelog =~ s/ /&nbsp/g;        my $html_diff = diff2html($diff);        my $mail_text = "Subject: [code review invitation] $subsystem: $commit_message\n" .                        "Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii\\n" .                        "<html>\n" .                        "<style>\n" .                        ".diffdiv  { border: solid 1px black;           }\n" .                        ".comment  { color: gray;                       }\n" .                        ".diff     { color: #8A2BE2;                    }\n" .                        ".minus3   { color: blue;                       }\n" .                        ".plus3    { color: maroon;                     }\n" .                        ".at2      { color: lime;                       }\n" .                        #".plus     { color: green; background: #E7E7E7; }\n" .                        #".minus    { color: red;   background: #D7D7D7; }\n" .                        ".plus     { color: green;                      }\n" .                        ".minus    { color: red;                        }\n" .                        ".only     { color: purple;                     }\n" .                        "</style>\n" .                        "<body>\n" .                        "<pre>\n" .                        "<span class="only">\n" .                        "Hi All,\n\n" .                        "Please be freely to review the code below, any comments are Welcome!\n\n" .                        "$changelog\n" .                        "</span>\n" .                        "$html_diff\n" .                        "</pre>\n" .                        "</body>\n" .                        "</html>";        open (my $mail_handle, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail $mail_receiver");        print $mail_handle $mail_text;        close($mail_handle);        print "Mail have been sent successfully\n\n";        my $date = `date -R`;        print   "From: $mail_sender\n" .                "To: $mail_receiver\n" .                "Subject: [code review invitation] $subsystem: $commit_message\n";}sub diff2html {        my ($diff) = @_;        my $html_text;        $html_text = "<span class="comment">";        while ($diff =~ /(.*)\n/g) {                my $line = $1;                my $class = "";                if (substr($line, 0, 3) eq "+++") {                        $class = "plus3";                } elsif (substr($line, 0, 3) eq "---") {                        $class = "minus3";                } elsif (substr($line, 0, 2) eq "@@") {                        $class = "at2";                } elsif (substr($line, 0, 1) eq "+") {                        $class = "plus";                } elsif (substr($line, 0, 1) eq "-") {                        $class = "minus";                }                $line =~ s/\&/\&amp;/g;                $line =~ s/</\&lt;/g;                $line =~ s/>/\&gt;/g;                if ($class ne "") {                        $html_text .= "<span class="$class">$line</span>\n";                } else {                        $html_text .= "$line\n";                }        }        $html_text .= "</span>";        return $html_text;}




1 楼 banxi1988 2011-10-09   有一个小问题啊,我的经验是上面以<style></style>形式写入的css,一般会被mail服务器过滤掉的. 2 楼 bookjovi 2011-10-09   banxi1988 写道有一个小问题啊,我的经验是上面以<style></style>形式写入的css,一般会被mail服务器过滤掉的.
