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Oracle Forms的四种交付方式

Oracle Forms的四种提交方式一共有四种提交方式:commit_form、Do_key(commit_form)、commit、FORMS_DDL(co

Oracle Forms的四种提交方式












Causes Oracle Forms to update data in the database to match data in the form. Oracle Forms first validates the form, then, for each block in the form, deletes, inserts, and updates to the database, and performs a database commit. As a result of the database commit, the database releases all row and table locks.?


If the end user has posted data to the database during the current Runform session, a call to the COMMIT_FORM Built-in commits this data to the database.?


Following a commit operation, Oracle Forms treats all records in all base-table blocks as if they are queried records from the database. Oracle Forms does not recognize changes that occur in triggers that fire during commit processing.?








Built-in Type restricted procedure?


Enter Query Mode no?

COMMIT_FORM Restrictions?



If you use a PL/SQL COMMIT statement in an anonymous block or a form-level procedure, Oracle Forms interprets that statement as a call to the COMMIT_FORM Built-in.?


Example 1




** Built-in: COMMIT_FORM?

** Example: If there are records in the form to be?

** committed, then do so. Raise an error if the?

** commit was not successful.?




** Force validation to happen first?



IF NOT Form_Success THEN?

RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;?



** Commit if anything is changed?


IF :System.Form_Status = 'CHANGED' THEN?



** A successful commit operation sets Form_Status back?

** to 'QUERY'.?


IF :System.Form_Status <> 'QUERY' THEN?

Message('An error prevented your changes from being?



RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;?





Example 2




** Built-in: COMMIT_FORM?

** Example: Perform Oracle Forms database commit during commit?

** processing. Decide whether to use this Built-in?

** or a user exit based on a global flag setup at?

** startup by the form, perhaps based on a?


** Trigger: On-Commit?




** Check the global flag we set during form startup?


IF :Global.Using_Transactional_Triggers = 'TRUE' THEN?



** Otherwise, do the right thing.?












DO_KEY Built-in





Executes the key trigger that corresponds to the specified Built-in subprogram. If no such key trigger exists, then the specified subprogram executes. This behavior is analogous to pressing the corresponding function key.?





(built_in_subprogram_name VARCHAR2);?


Built-in Type restricted procedure?


Enter Query Mode yes?





? ? Specifies the name of a valid Built-in subprogram.?


Built-in ?


Key Trigger ?


Associated Function Key ?



CLEAR_BLOCK ?Key-CLRBLK ?[Clear Block] ?



CLEAR_FORM ?Key-CLRFRM ?[Clear Form] ?



CLEAR_RECORD ?Key-CLRREC ?[Clear Record] ?





COUNT_QUERY ?Key-CQUERY ?[Count Query Hits]?



CREATE_RECORD ?Key-CREREC ?[Insert Record] ?



DELETE_RECORD ?Key-DELREC ?[Delete Record] ?



DOWN ?Key-DOWN ?[Down] ?



DUPLICATE_ITEM ?Key-DUP-ITEM ?[Duplicate Item] ?



DUPLICATE_RECORD ?Key-DUPREC ?[Duplicate Record] ?






ENTER ?Key-ENTER ?[Enter]?



ENTER_QUERY ?Key-ENTQRY ?[Enter Query] ?



EXECUTE_QUERY ?Key-EXEQRY ?[Execute Query] ?



EXIT_FORM ?Key-EXIT ?[Exit/Cancel] ?



HELP ?Key-HELP ?[Help] ?






LOCK_RECORD ?Key-UPDREC ?[Lock Record] ?



NEXT_BLOCK ?Key-NXTBLK ?[Next Block]?



NEXT_ITEM ?Key-NEXT-ITEM ?[Next Item] ?



NEXT_KEY ?Key-NXTKEY ?[Next Primary Key Fld] ?



NEXT_RECORD ?Key-NXTREC ?[Next Record] ?



NEXT_SET ?Key-NXTSET ?[Next Set of Records] ?



PREVIOUS_BLOCK ?Key-PRVBLK ?[Previous Block] ?



PREVIOUS_ITEM ?Key-PREV-ITEM ?[Previous Item] ?



PREVIOUS_RECORD ?Key-PRVREC ?[Previous Record]?



PRINT ?Key-PRINT ?[Print] ?



SCROLL_DOWN ?Key-SCRDOWN ?[Scroll Down] ?



SCROLL_UP ?Key-SCRUP ?[Scroll Up] ?



UP ?Key-UP ?[Up] ?


DO_KEY Restrictions?

DO_KEY accepts Built-in names only, not key names: DO_KEY(ENTER_QUERY).?


To accept a specific key name, use the EXECUTE_TRIGGER Built-in: EXECUTE_TRIGGER('KEY_F11').?

DO_KEY Example




** Built-in: DO_KEY?

** Example: Simulate pressing the [Execute Query] key.?



? ?DO_KEY('Execute_Query');?



FORMS_DDL Built-in?Description?
Issues dynamic SQL statements at runtime, including server-side PL/SQL and DDL.?

Note: All DDL operations issue an implicit COMMIT and will end the current transaction without allowing Oracle Forms to process any pending changes.?Syntax?
Built-in Type unrestricted function?
Enter Query Mode yes?Parameters?
statement Any string expression up to 32K: a literal an expression or a variable representing the text of a block of dynamically created PL/SQL code a DML statement or a DDL statement?Usage Notes?
Commit (or roll back) all pending changes before you issue the FORMS_DDL command. All DDL operations issue an implicit COMMIT and will end the current transaction without allowing Oracle Forms to process any pending changes, as well as losing any locks Oracle Forms may have acquired.?
Some supplied stored procedures issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK commands as part of their logic. Make sure all pending changes in the form are committed or rolled back before you call those Built-ins. Use the SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS variable to check whether there are pending changes in the current form before you issue the FORMS_DDL command. (See Example 4.)?
If you use FORMS_DDL to execute a valid PL/SQL block: Use semicolons where appropriate. Enclose the PL/SQL block in a valid BEGIN/END block structure. Do not end the PL/SQL block with a slash. Line breaks, while permitted, are not required.?
If you use FORMS_DDL to execute a single DDL statement: Omit the trailing semicolon to avoid an invalid character error.?
To check whether the statement issued using FORMS_DDL executed correctly, use the FORM_SUCCESS or FORM_FAILURE Boolean functions. If the statement did not execute correctly, check the error code and error text using DBMS_ERROR_CODE and DBMS_ERROR_TEXT. Note that the values of DBMS_ERROR_CODE and DBMS_ERROR_TEXT are not automatically reset following successful execution, so their values should only be examined after an error has been detected by a call to FORM_SUCCESS or FORM_FAILURE.?FORMS_DDL Restrictions?

The statement you pass to FORMS_DDL may not contain bind variable references in the string, but the values of bind variables can be concatenated into the string before passing the result to FORMS_DDL. For example, this statement is not valid:?
Forms_DDL ('Begin Update_Employee (:emp.empno); End;');?
However, this statement is valid, and would have the desired effect:?
Forms_DDL ('Begin Update_Employee ('||TO_CHAR(:emp.empno)?||');End;');?
However, you could also call a stored procedure directly, using Oracle's shared SQL area over multiple executions with different values for emp.empno:?
Update_Employee (:emp.empno);?
SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks executed using FORMS_DDL cannot return results to Oracle Forms directly. (See Example 4.)?
In addition, some DDL operations cannot be performed using FORMS_DDL, such as dropping a table or database link, if Oracle Forms is holding a cursor open against the object being operated upon.?FORMS_DDL Examples?

Example 1
** Built-in: FORMS_DDL?** Example: The expression can be a string literal.?*/?BEGIN?Forms_DDL('create table temp(n NUMBER)');?IF NOT Form_Success THEN?Message ('Table Creation Failed');?ELSE?Message ('Table Created');?END IF;?END;?
Example 2
** Built-in: FORMS_DDL?** Example: The string can be an expression or variable.?** Create a table with n Number columns.?** TEMP(COL1, COL2, ..., COLn).?*/?PROCEDURE Create_N_Column_Number_Table (n NUMBER) IS?my_stmt VARCHAR2(2000);?BEGIN?my_stmt := 'create table tmp(COL1 NUMBER';?FOR I in 2..N LOOP?my_stmt := my_stmt||',COL'||TO_CHAR(i)||' NUMBER';?END LOOP;?my_stmt := my_stmt||')';?/*?** Now, create the table...?*/?Forms_DDL(my_stmt);?IF NOT Form_Success THEN?Message ('Table Creation Failed');?ELSE?Message ('Table Created');?END IF;?END;?
Example 3:?
** Built-in: FORMS_DDL** Example: The statement parameter can be a block?** of dynamically created PL/SQL code.?*/?DECLARE?procname VARCHAR2(30);?BEGIN?IF :global.flag = 'TRUE' THEN?procname := 'Assign_New_Employer';?ELSE?procname := 'Update_New_Employer';?END IF;?Forms_DDL('Begin '|| procname ||'; End;');?IF NOT Form_Success THEN?Message ('Employee Maintenance Failed');?ELSE?Message ('Employee Maintenance Successful');?END IF;?END;?
Example 4:
** Built-in: FORMS_DDL** Example: Issue the SQL statement passed in as an argument,?** and return a number representing the outcome of?** executing the SQL statement.?** A result of zero represents success.?*/?FUNCTION Do_Sql (stmt VARCHAR2, check_for_locks BOOLEAN := TRUE)?RETURN NUMBER?IS?SQL_SUCCESS CONSTANT NUMBER := 0;?BEGIN?IF stmt IS NULL THEN?Message ('DO_SQL: Passed a null statement.');?RETURN SQL_SUCCESS;?END IF;?IF Check_For_Locks AND :System.Form_Status = 'CHANGED' THEN?Message ('DO_SQL: Form has outstanding locks pending.');?RETURN SQL_SUCCESS;?END IF;?Forms_DDL(stmt);?IF Form_Success THEN?RETURN SQL_SUCCESS;?ELSE?RETURN Dbms_Error_Code;?END IF;?END;?
