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获得网络时间转自:http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0589.html?We connect to a publicly accessi




We connect to a publicly accessible time server on the internet and parse the result.

List of available time servers :

import java.io.*;import java.text.*;import java.util.*;import java.net.*;public final class DateUtils {  // NIST, Boulder, Colorado  (time-a.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov)  public static final String ATOMICTIME_SERVER="";  // NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland (time-a.nist.gov)  // public static final String ATOMICTIME_SERVER="";  public final static GregorianCalendar getAtomicTime() throws IOException{    BufferedReader in = null;    try {       URLConnection conn = new URL(ATOMICTIME_SERVER).openConnection();       in = new BufferedReader         (new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));       String atomicTime;       while (true) {          if ( (atomicTime = in.readLine()).indexOf("*") > -1) {             break;          }       }       System.out.println("DEBUG : " + atomicTime);       String[] fields = atomicTime.split(" ");       GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();       String[] date = fields[1].split("-");       calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2000 +  Integer.parseInt(date[0]));       calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, Integer.parseInt(date[1])-1);       calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, Integer.parseInt(date[2]));       // deals with the timezone and the daylight-saving-time       TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();       int gmt = (tz.getRawOffset() + tz.getDSTSavings()) / 3600000;       System.out.println("DEBUG : " + gmt);       String[] time = fields[2].split(":");       calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseInt(time[0]) + gmt);       calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(time[1]));       calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(time[2]));       return calendar;    }    catch (IOException e){       throw e;    }    finally {       if (in != null) {         in.close();       }    }  }  public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {    SimpleDateFormat sdf =         new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");    System.out.println("Atomic time : " +         sdf.format(DateUtils.getAtomicTime().getTime()));  }  /*    ref : http://www.bldrdoc.gov/doc-tour/atomic_clock.html                       49825 95-04-18 22:24:11 50 0 0 50.0 UTC(NIST) *                       |     |        |     | | |  |      |      |    These are the last +     |        |     | | |  |      |      |    five digits of the       |        |     | | |  |      |      |    Modified Julian Date     |        |     | | |  |      |      |                             |        |     | | |  |      |      |    Year, Month and Day <----+        |     | | |  |      |      |                                      |     | | |  |      |      |    Hour, minute, and second of the <-+     | | |  |      |      |    current UTC at Greenwich.               | | |  |      |      |                                            | | |  |      |      |    DST - Daylight Savings Time code <------+ | |  |      |      |    00 means standard time(ST), 50 means DST  | |  |      |      |    99 to 51 = Now on ST, goto DST when local | |  |      |      |    time is 2:00am, and the count is 51.      | |  |      |      |    49 to 01 = Now on DST, goto ST when local | |  |      |      |    time is 2:00am, and the count is 01.      | |  |      |      |                                              | |  |      |      |    Leap second flag is set to "1" when <-----+ |  |      |      |    a leap second will be added on the last     |  |      |      |    day of the current UTC month.  A value of   |  |      |      |    "2" indicates the removal of a leap second. |  |      |      |                                                |  |      |      |    Health Flag.  The normal value of this    <-+  |      |      |    flag is 0.  Positive values mean there may     |      |      |    be an error with the transmitted time.         |      |      |                                                   |      |      |    The number of milliseconds ACTS is advancing <-+      |      |    the time stamp, to account for network lag.           |      |                                                          |      |    Coordinated Universal Time from the National <--------+      |    Institute of Standards & Technology.                         |                                                                 |    The instant the "*" appears, is the exact time. <------------+  */}

// thanks to TrueJavaProgrammer for the idea!

It's not possible to set your local computer clock in pure Java.

You need to use an external utility provided by the OS or call a JNI routine, see this?HowTo.
