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ibatis mysql 字段 tinyint(1) 地图应用要小心

ibatis mysql 字段 tinyint(1) map应用要小心http://www.mysqlab.net/docs/refman/en-5.1/page/connector-

ibatis mysql 字段 tinyint(1) map应用要小心



MySQL Type NameReturn value of GetColumnClassNameReturned as Java ClassBIT(1) (new in MySQL-5.0)BITjava.lang.BooleanBIT( > 1) (new in MySQL-5.0)BITbyte[]TINYINTTINYINTjava.lang.Boolean if the configuration property tinyInt1isBit is set to true (the default) and the storage size is 1, or java.lang.Integer if not.
