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getSharedPreferences(String name, int mode) of Service的兑现(转)

getSharedPreferences(String name, int mode) of Service的实现(转)I found a method getSharedPreferenc

getSharedPreferences(String name, int mode) of Service的实现(转)
I found a method getSharedPreferences(String name, int mode) in Service class

than I want to see how it implements

first I got a abstrat method in Context class


but I still did't found where it pass the ApplicationContext in

after few minutes search I found another class ActivityThread

It had a method handleCreateService which should be called when create a Service


In the method it call the service's method attch and pass a ApplicationContext as parameter

then The service's attch method would pass the context throght the attachBaseContext(context) method
...50     /**51      * Set the base context for this ContextWrapper.  All calls will then be52      * delegated to the base context.  Throws53      * IllegalStateException if a base context has already been set.54      *55      * @param base The new base context for this wrapper.56      */57     protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {58         if (mBase != null) {59             throw new IllegalStateException("Base context already set");60         }61         mBase = base;62     }...

so the service get the Context instance which implement the getSharedPreferences(String name, int mode) method

the original url http://hi.baidu.com/ksoftware/blog/item/de17bbd6806b202507088bd8.html
