Design Pattern: Prototype 模式
下面的 UML 类别图表示了上述的简单概念:
在Java中的作法是透过实作一个Cloneable介面,它只是一个声明的介面,并无规定任何实作的方法,您的目的是改写Object的clone ()方法,使其具备有复制物件的功能,这个方面建议您参考:How to avoid traps and correctly override methods from java.lang.Object。
public abstract class AbstractFurniture implements Cloneable { public abstract void draw(); // 在Design Pattern上,以下的clone是抽象未实作的 // 实际上在Java中class都继承自Object // 所以在这边我们直接重新定义clone() // 这是为了符合Java现行的clone机制 protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); } }
import java.awt.*;public class CircleTable extends AbstractFurniture { protected Point center; public void setCenter(Point center) { = center; } protected Object clone () throws CloneNotSupportedException { Object o = super.clone(); if( != null) { ((CircleTable) o).center = (Point) center.clone(); } return o; } public void draw() { System.out.println("\t圆桌\t中心:(" + center.getX() + ", " + center.getY()+ ")"); } }
import java.awt.*;public class SquareTable extends AbstractFurniture { protected Rectangle rectangle; public void setRectangle(Rectangle rectangle) { this.rectangle = rectangle; } protected Object clone () throws CloneNotSupportedException { Object o = super.clone(); if(this.rectangle != null) { ((SquareTable) o).rectangle = (Rectangle) rectangle.clone(); } return o; } public void draw() { System.out.print("\t方桌\t位置:(" + rectangle.getX() + ", " + rectangle.getY()+ ")"); System.out.println(" / 宽高:(" + rectangle.getWidth() + ", " + rectangle.getHeight()+ ")"); } }
import java.util.*;public class House { private Vector vector; public House() { vector = new Vector(); } public void addFurniture(AbstractFurniture furniture) { vector.addElement(furniture); System.out.println("现有家具...."); Enumeration enumeration = vector.elements(); while(enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { AbstractFurniture f = (AbstractFurniture) enumeration.nextElement(); f.draw(); } System.out.println(); } }
import java.awt.*;public class Application { private AbstractFurniture circleTablePrototype; public void setCircleTablePrototype( AbstractFurniture circleTablePrototype) { this.circleTablePrototype = circleTablePrototype; } public void runAppExample() throws Exception { House house = new House(); CircleTable circleTable = null; // 从工具列选择一个家具加入房子中 circleTable = (CircleTable) circleTablePrototype.clone(); circleTable.setCenter(new Point(10, 10)); house.addFurniture(circleTable); // 从工具列选择一个家具加入房子中 circleTable = (CircleTable) circleTablePrototype.clone(); circleTable.setCenter(new Point(20, 30)); house.addFurniture(circleTable); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Application application = new Application(); application.setCircleTablePrototype( new CircleTable()); application.runAppExample(); } }