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Apache Commons Email 怎的设置邮件优先级

Apache Commons Email 怎样设置邮件优先级?Apache Commons Email 怎样设置邮件优先级??类?org.apache.comm

Apache Commons Email 怎样设置邮件优先级?
Apache Commons Email 怎样设置邮件优先级?


类?org.apache.commons.mail.Email 及其子类

包括 ? ?MultiPartEmail, SimpleEmail, HtmlEmail, ImageHtmlEmail



// Email email = Email的实例;email.addHeader("X-Priority", "1");


// Email email = Email的实例;email.addHeader("X-Priority", "1 (Highest)");





1( highest ) or  2( high ) 3( normal ) 4( low ) and 5( lowest )



默认为 "3"?


Values: 1 (Highest), 2 (High), 3 (Normal), 4 (Low), 5 (Lowest).
3 (Normal) is default if the field is omitted. ?




public void addHeader(String?name,                      String?value)Adds a header ( name, value ) to the headers Map. Example: X-Mailer: Sendmail,  X-Priority: 1( highest ) or  2( high ) 3( normal ) 4( low ) and 5( lowest ) Disposition-Notification-To: user@domain.net





Email Importance / Priority


You can add the X-Priority header field and give it the value string "1″. For example: email.AddHeaderField "X-Priority","1″ This is the most common way of setting the priority of an email. "3″ is normal, and "5″ is the lowest. "2″ and "4″ are in-betweens, and frankly I’ve never seen anything but "1″ or "3″ used. Microsoft Outlook adds these header fields when setting a message to High priority:

X-Priority: 1 (Highest)
X-MSMail-Priority: High
Importance: High

I don’t think you’ll need all three, but you can add them all if you wish. My recommendation is to only add the X-Priority header.




