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MySQL 5.5.x Coreseek 4.x / Sphinx 1.x 兑现中文分词搜索

MySQL 5.5.xCoreseek 4.x / Sphinx 1.x实现中文分词搜索MySQL/MariaDB(支持SphinxSE、Windows版本、源码补丁

MySQL 5.5.x Coreseek 4.x / Sphinx 1.x 实现中文分词搜索
MySQL/MariaDB(支持SphinxSE、Windows版本、源码补丁)基于MySQL 5.0.92、MySQL 5.1.55、MySQL 5.5.9、MySQL 5.5.15/16、MariaDB 5.2.4,提供支持SphinxSE的Windows版本;最新版本支持string属性,可直接返回索引中存储的信息。2011-10-18更新!



Win32 MySQL/SphinxSE Download (下载)
    使用前,请先下载Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 运行时环境 (x86,1.7M大小)并安装

    注意 : 1. 请先备份原有程序和数据,避免误操作导致数据丢失;默认用户root,密码为空

       2. 注意字符集为,连接时,应使用SET NAMES utf8,使用utf8字符集

       3. 可在my.ini的[mysql]和[mysqld]配置段加上default-character-set=utf8,则默认为utf8

Coreseek 4.x / Sphinx 1.x : (Please install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime (x86, 1.7M)) MySQL 5.5.15/16 : Win32 MySQL 5.5.16 / SphinxSE Plugin : coreseek-4.1-win32.zip/plugin/mysql-5.5.16-win32/lib/plugin/ha_sphinx.dll ( Recommended/Support string attr 推荐,支持string属性 )
Win32 MySQL 5.5.15 / SphinxSE Plugin : coreseek-4.1-win32.zip/plugin/mysql-5.5.15-win32/lib/plugin/ha_sphinx.dll ( Recommended/Support string attr 推荐,支持string属性 )
SphinxSE Plugin Install (插件模式安装) : Chinese : 解压ha_sphinx.dll放到MySQL 5.5.15/16的lib/plugin/目录中,使用root登陆MySQL; English : extract ha_sphinx.dll from zip file, put it into lib/plugin, login to mysql with root.
Install (启用): INSTALL PLUGIN sphinx SONAME "ha_sphinx.dll" Uninstall (关闭): UNINSTALL PLUGIN sphinx MySQL 5.5.x : Win32 MySQL 5.5.9 / SphinxSE SVN r2616 Plugin : mysql-5.5.9-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseek-win32-ha_sphinx.dll.zip ( Recommended/Support string attr 推荐,支持string属性 )
Win32 MySQL 5.5.8 + SphinxSE SVN r2616 : mysql-5.5.8-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseek-win32.zip ( Support string attr 支持string属性 ) Win32 MySQL 5.5.8 / SphinxSE SVN r2616 Plugin : mysql-5.5.8-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseek-win32-ha_sphinx.dll.zip ( Support string attr 支持string属性 )
SphinxSE Plugin Install (插件模式安装) : Chinese : 解压ha_sphinx.dll放到MySQL 5.5.x的lib/plugin/目录中,使用root登陆MySQL; English : extract ha_sphinx.dll from zip file, put it into lib/plugin, login to mysql with root.
Install (启用): INSTALL PLUGIN sphinx SONAME "ha_sphinx.dll" Uninstall (关闭): UNINSTALL PLUGIN sphinx MariaDB 5.2.4 : Win32 MariaDB 5.2.4 + SphinxSE SVN r2616 + Plugin: MariaDB-5.2.4-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseek-win32.zip ( Support string attr 支持string属性 ) Win32 MariaDB 5.2.4 / SphinxSE SVN r2616 Plugin : MariaDB-5.2.4-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseek-win32-ha_sphinx.dll.zip ( Recommended/Support string attr 推荐,支持string属性 )
SphinxSE Plugin Install (插件模式安装) : Chinese : 解压ha_sphinx.dll放到MariaDB 5.2.x的lib/plugin/目录中,使用root登陆MariaDB; English : extract ha_sphinx.dll from zip file, put it into lib/plugin, login to MariaDB with root.
Install (启用): INSTALL PLUGIN sphinx SONAME "ha_sphinx.dll" Uninstall (关闭): UNINSTALL PLUGIN sphinx MySQL 5.1.x : Win32 MySQL 5.1.55 / SphinxSE SVN r2616 Plugin : mysql-5.1.55-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseek-win32-ha_sphinx.dll.zip ( Recommended/Support string attr 推荐,支持string属性 )
Win32 MySQL 5.1.54 + SphinxSE SVN r2616 : mysql-5.1.54-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseekwin32.zip ( Support string attr 支持string属性 ) Win32 MySQL 5.1.54 / SphinxSE SVN r2616 Plugin : mysql-5.1.54-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseek-win32-ha_sphinx.dll.zip ( Support string attr 支持string属性 )
SphinxSE Plugin Install (插件模式安装) : Chinese : 解压ha_sphinx.dll放到MySQL 5.1.x的lib/plugin/目录中,使用root登陆MySQL; English : extract ha_sphinx.dll from zip file, put it into lib/plugin, login to mysql with root.
Install (启用): INSTALL PLUGIN sphinx SONAME "ha_sphinx.dll" Uninstall (关闭): UNINSTALL PLUGIN sphinx Win32 MySQL 5.1.52 + SphinxSE SVN r2428 : mysql-5.1.52-SphinxSE-svn-r2428-win32.zip MySQL 5.0.x : Win32 MySQL 5.0.92 + SphinxSE SVN r2616 : mysql-5.0.92-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseek-win32.zip ( Recommended/Support string attr 推荐,支持string属性 ) Win32 MySQL 5.0.91 + SphinxSE SVN r2616 : mysql-5.0.91-SphinxSE-svn-r2616-1.11-dev-coreseek-win32.zip ( Support string attr 支持string属性 ) Win32 MySQL 5.0.91 + SphinxSE SVN r2428 : mysql-5.0.91-SphinxSE-svn-r2428-win32.zip Coreseek 3.2 / Sphinx 0.9.9 : (Please install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime (x86, 1.7M)) MySQL 5.5.8 : 正在升级测试中,将提供下载! MySQL 5.1 : Win32 MySQL 5.1.52 + SphinxSE 0.9.9 : mysql-5.1.52-SphinxSE-0.9.9-win32.zip MySQL 5.0 : Win32 MySQL 5.0.91 + SphinxSE 0.9.9 : mysql-5.0.91-SphinxSE-0.9.9-win32.zip Coreseek 3.1 / Sphinx 0.9.8 : Win32 MySQL 5.0.45 + SphinxSE : mysql-5.0.45-sphinxse-0.9.8-win32.zip( Deprecated 不推荐使用,建议立刻升级 )

SphinxSE Usage (SphinxSE基本使用)

Installing Sphinx on Linux or BSD (Unix/Linux/BSD下MySQL/SphinxSE 安装)
Chinese : MySQL 5.0 : 为 MySQL 5.0.x 编译安装 SphinxSE MySQL 5.1 : 为 MySQL 5.1.x 编译安装 SphinxSE MySQL 5.5 : 为 MySQL 5.5.x 编译安装 SphinxSE English : MySQL 5.0 : Compiling MySQL 5.0.x with SphinxSE MySQL 5.1 : Compiling MySQL 5.1.x with SphinxSE MySQL 5.5 : Compiling MySQL 5.5.x with SphinxSE

MySQL 5.5.8及以上版本 SphinxSE patch :( SphinxSE 支持MySQL 5.5.8及以上版本补丁)
Chinese : 使用版本:Sphinx 1.x,非Coreseek发行之Sphinx版本 补丁文件:下载patch文件、SVN r2653之前版本的patch文件 补丁功能:使SphinxSE支持MySQL 5.5.8版本;本补丁包含“string属性补丁”的功能 详细说明:前往查看详细说明和使用方法 English : Support Version : Sphinx 1.x,no Coreseek's package Patch file : Sphinx_1.11-dev_sphinxse_mysql-5.5.8.diff, Sphinx_1.11-r2652-dev_sphinxse_mysql-5.5.8.diff(before r2653) Function : Get support for MySQL 5.5.8. The patch contains 'string attr's patch'. Use :
cd path_of_sphinx ; patch -p0 < /path/to/Sphinx_1.11-dev_sphinxse_mysql-5.5.8.diff
recompile MySQL 5.5.8 with option -DWITH_SPHINX_STORAGE_ENGINE=1

Support string attr's patch :( SphinxSE 支持string属性补丁)
Chinese : 使用版本:Sphinx 1.x,非Coreseek发行之Sphinx版本 补丁文件:下载patch文件、SVN r2653之前版本的patch文件 补丁功能:使SphinxSE支持string属性,在MySQL查询时可以获取索引存储的string信息 详细说明:前往查看详细说明和使用方法 English : Support Version : Sphinx 1.x,no Coreseek's package Patch file : Sphinx_1.11-dev_sphinxse.diff, Sphinx_1.11-r2652-dev_sphinxse.diff(befor r2653) Function : Support string attr , get string info from sphinx in mysql query. Use : cd path_of_sphinx ; patch -p0 < /path/to/Sphinx_1.11-dev_sphinxse.diff
