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System V共享内存施用实例

System V共享内存使用实例#include stdlib.h#include stdio.h#include sys/shm.h#include sys/errn

System V共享内存使用实例

#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/shm.h>#include <sys/errno.h>#include <pthread.h>#include <string.h>#include <malloc.h>#include <signal.h>#define BUFFER_SIZE 1000typedef struct SHMSTRU{pthread_mutex_t lock;char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];}ShmStru;typedef enum{false,true}bool;void signalCancel(int);bool isExit = false;int main(void){int key = 1000;int shmid = 0;ShmStru *pShmStru = NULL;int exist = 0;int cPid = 0;int ret = 0;struct shmid_ds shmDs;signal(SIGINT, signalCancel);shmid = shmget(key, sizeof(ShmStru), IPC_EXCL | IPC_CREAT);if (-1 == shmid){if (EEXIST == errno){printf("INFO: The shared memory is exist!\n");shmid = shmget(key, 0, 0);exist = 1;}else{printf("ERROR: Create shared memory failed, ErrorCode: %d!\n", errno);return -1;}}memset(&shmDs,0x00, sizeof(struct shmid_ds));//Get the info of the shared memoryif (exist){ret = shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, &shmDs);if (-1 != ret){printf("INFO: The current attache processes num: %d!\n", (int)shmDs.shm_nattch);}}pShmStru = (ShmStru *)shmat(shmid, 0, 0);if ((void *)-1 == pShmStru){perror("");return -1;}if (!exist){strcpy(pShmStru->buffer, "The initial information!");pthread_mutex_init(&pShmStru->lock, 0);}cPid = fork();if (0 == cPid){while (!isExit){pthread_mutex_lock(&pShmStru->lock);printf("Child: The info in shared memory is %s!\n", pShmStru->buffer);strcpy(pShmStru->buffer, "The information set by the child!");pthread_mutex_unlock(&pShmStru->lock);usleep(1000000);}shmdt(pShmStru);}else{while (!isExit){pthread_mutex_lock(&pShmStru->lock);printf("Parent: The info in shared memory is %s!\n", pShmStru->buffer);strcpy(pShmStru->buffer, "The information set by the parent!");pthread_mutex_unlock(&pShmStru->lock);usleep(1000000);}shmdt(pShmStru);shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);}return 1;}void signalCancel(int i){printf("INFO: Catch the cancel signal!\n");isExit = true;}
