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Flask中使用SqlAlchemy的较好方法首先安装 Flask-SqlAlchem??v0.15 和?SqlAutoCode??v0.7在配置文件settin


首先安装 Flask-SqlAlchem??v0.15 和?SqlAutoCode??v0.7



SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://kw3:123456@localhost/kw3_article'SQLALCHEMY_BINDS = {    'game': 'mysql://kw3:123456@localhost/kw_game',}TABLE_PREFIX = 't_'


?将最后面的代码放到scripts下,并运行它。 ?如存为generate_models.py文件,python ?scripts/generate_models.py



#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-from flask import Flaskfrom models.base.db import dbapp = Flask(__name__)db.init_app(app)






#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-#使用SqlAutocode,根据数据库已有表,产生符合Flask-SqlAlchemy要求的models的定义import os.pathfrom flask import Flaskfrom sqlautocode import configfrom sqlautocode.declarative import *from sqlautocode.formatter import _repr_coltype_asfrom flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemysingular = plural = lambda x: xconstants.COLUMN = 'db.' + constants.COLUMNconstants.HEADER_DECL = """from sqlalchemy import *if __name__ == '__main__':    from flask import Flask    from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy    app = Flask(__name__)    app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = '%s'    db = SQLAlchemy(app)else:    from .db import db"""def no_prefix_wrapper(f, prefix=None):    def _name2label(name, schema=None):        if schema:            if name.startswith(schema+'.'):                name = '.'.join(name.split('.')[1:])        if prefix and name.startswith(prefix):            name = name[ len(prefix):]        label = str(''.join([s.capitalize() for s in                   re.findall(r'([A-Z][a-z0-9]+|[a-z0-9]+|[A-Z0-9]+)', name)]))        return label    return _name2labeldef column_repr(self):    kwarg = []    if self.key != self.name:        kwarg.append( 'key')    if hasattr(self, 'primary_key') and self.primary_key:        self.primary_key = True        kwarg.append( 'primary_key')    if not self.nullable:        kwarg.append( 'nullable')    if self.onupdate:        kwarg.append( 'onupdate')    if self.default:        kwarg.append( 'default')    ks = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (k, getattr(self, k)) for k in kwarg)    if self.server_default:        ks += ', ' if ks else ''        ks += ('default=%s' % self.server_default.arg.text)    name = self.name    if not hasattr(config, 'options') and self.config.options.generictypes:        coltype = repr(self.type)    elif type(self.type).__module__ == 'sqlalchemy.types':        coltype = repr(self.type)    else:        # Try to 'cast' this column type to a cross-platform type        # from sqlalchemy.types, dropping any database-specific type        # arguments.        for base in type(self.type).__mro__:            if (base.__module__ == 'sqlalchemy.types' and                base.__name__ in sqlalchemy.__all__):                coltype = _repr_coltype_as(self.type, base)                break        # FIXME: if a dialect has a non-standard type that does not        # derive from an ANSI type, there's no choice but to ignore        # generic-types and output the exact type. However, import        # headers have already been output and lack the required        # dialect import.        else:            coltype = repr(self.type)    data = {'name': self.name,            'type': coltype,            'constraints': ', '.join(["ForeignKey('%s')"%cn.target_fullname for cn in self.foreign_keys]),            'args': ks and ks or '',            }    if data['constraints']:        if data['constraints']: data['constraints'] = ', ' + data['constraints']    if data['args']:        if data['args']: data['args'] = ', ' + data['args']    return constants.COLUMN % dataclass FlaskModelFactory(ModelFactory):    def __init__(self, name, conn):        self.name = name        argv = ['sqlautocode', conn, '-d', '-g', '-i']        config.configure(argv)        config.interactive, config.schema, config.example = None, None, False        super(FlaskModelFactory, self).__init__(config)    def _table_repr(self, table):        s = "db.Table(u'%s',\n"%(table.name)        for column in table.c:            s += "    %s,\n"%column_repr(column)        if self.name != "default":            s +="    info={'bind_key': '%s'}\n"%self.name        #if table.schema:        #    s +="    schema='%s'\n"%table.schema        s+=")"        return s    def create_model(self, table):        #partially borrowed from Jorge Vargas' code        #http://dpaste.org/V6YS/        log.debug('Creating Model from table: %s'%table.name)        model_name = self.find_new_name(singular(name2label(table.name)), self.used_model_names)        self.used_model_names.append(model_name)        is_many_to_many_table = self.is_many_to_many_table(table)        table_name = self.find_new_name(table.name, self.used_table_names)        self.used_table_names.append(table_name)        mtl = self.model_table_lookup        class Temporal(self.DeclarativeBase):            __table__ = table            @classmethod            def _relation_repr(cls, rel):                target = rel.argument                if target and inspect.isfunction(target):                    target = target()                if isinstance(target, Mapper):                    target = target.class_                target = target.__name__                primaryjoin=''                lookup = mtl()                if rel.primaryjoin is not None and hasattr(rel.primaryjoin, 'right'):                    right_lookup = lookup.get(rel.primaryjoin.right.table.name, '%s.c'%rel.primaryjoin.right.table.name)                    left_lookup = lookup.get(rel.primaryjoin.left.table.name, '%s.c'%rel.primaryjoin.left.table.name)                    primaryjoin = ", primaryjoin='%s.%s==%s.%s'"%(left_lookup,                                                                  rel.primaryjoin.left.name,                                                                  right_lookup,                                                                  rel.primaryjoin.right.name)                elif hasattr(rel, '_as_string'):                    primaryjoin=', primaryjoin="%s"'%rel._as_string                secondary = ''                secondaryjoin = ''                if rel.secondary is not None:                    secondary = ", secondary=%s"%rel.secondary.name                    right_lookup = lookup.get(rel.secondaryjoin.right.table.name, '%s.c'%rel.secondaryjoin.right.table.name)                    left_lookup = lookup.get(rel.secondaryjoin.left.table.name, '%s.c'%rel.secondaryjoin.left.table.name)                    secondaryjoin = ", secondaryjoin='%s.%s==%s.%s'"%(left_lookup,                                                                  rel.secondaryjoin.left.name,                                                                  right_lookup,                                                                  rel.secondaryjoin.right.name)                backref=''#                if rel.backref:#                    backref=", backref='%s'"%rel.backref.key                return "%s = relation('%s'%s%s%s%s)"%(rel.key, target, primaryjoin, secondary, secondaryjoin, backref)            @classmethod            def __repr__(cls):                try:                    mapper = None                    try:                        mapper = class_mapper(cls)                    except exc.InvalidRequestError:                        log.warn("A proper mapper could not be generated for the class %s, no relations will be created"%model_name)                    s = ""                    s += "class "+model_name+'(db.Model):\n'                    if cls.__bind_key__ != "default":                        s += "    __bind_key__ = '%s'\n"%cls.__bind_key__                    if is_many_to_many_table:                        s += "    __table__ = %s\n\n"%table_name                    else:                        s += "    __tablename__ = '%s'\n"%table_name                        if hasattr(cls, '__table_args__'):                            #if cls.__table_args__[0]:                                #for fkc in cls.__table_args__[0]:                                #    fkc.__class__.__repr__ = foreignkeyconstraint_repr                                #    break                            s+="    __table_args__ = %s\n"%cls.__table_args__                        s+="\n"                        for column in cls.__table__.c:                            s += "    %s = %s\n"%(column.name, column_repr(column))                    ess = s                    # this is only required in SA 0.5                    if mapper and RelationProperty:                        for prop in mapper.iterate_properties:                            if isinstance(prop, RelationshipProperty):                                s+='    %s\n'%cls._relation_repr(prop)                    return s                except Exception, e:                    log.error("Could not generate class for: %s"%cls.__name__)                    from traceback import format_exc                    log.error(format_exc())                    return ''        #hack the class to have the right classname        Temporal.__name__ = model_name        #set up some blank table args        Temporal.__table_args__ = {}        #add in the schema        Temporal.__bind_key__ = self.name        #if self.config.schema:        #    Temporal.__table_args__[1]['schema'] = table.schema        #trick sa's model registry to think the model is the correct name        if model_name != 'Temporal':            Temporal._decl_class_registry[model_name] = Temporal._decl_class_registry['Temporal']            del Temporal._decl_class_registry['Temporal']        #add in single relations        fks = self.get_single_foreign_keys_by_column(table)        for column, fk in fks.iteritems():            related_table = fk.column.table            if related_table not in self.tables:                continue            log.info('    Adding <primary> foreign key for:%s'%related_table.name)            backref_name = plural(table_name)            rel = relation(singular(name2label(related_table.name, related_table.schema)),                           primaryjoin=column==fk.column)#, backref=backref_name)            setattr(Temporal, related_table.name, _deferred_relationship(Temporal, rel))        #add in the relations for the composites        for constraint in table.constraints:            if isinstance(constraint, ForeignKeyConstraint):                if len(constraint.elements) >1:                    related_table = constraint.elements[0].column.table                    related_classname = singular(name2label(related_table.name, related_table.schema))                    primary_join = "and_(%s)"%', '.join(["%s.%s==%s.%s"%(model_name,                                                                        k.parent.name,                                                                        related_classname,                                                                        k.column.name)                                                      for k in constraint.elements])                    rel = relation(related_classname,                                    primaryjoin=primary_join                                    #foreign_keys=[k.parent for k in constraint.elements]                               )                    rel._as_string = primary_join                    setattr(Temporal, related_table.name, rel) # _deferred_relationship(Temporal, rel))        #add in many-to-many relations        for join_table in self.get_related_many_to_many_tables(table.name):            if join_table not in self.tables:                continue            primary_column = [c for c in join_table.columns if c.foreign_keys and list(c.foreign_keys)[0].column.table==table][0]            for column in join_table.columns:                if column.foreign_keys:                    key = list(column.foreign_keys)[0]                    if key.column.table is not table:                        related_column = related_table = list(column.foreign_keys)[0].column                        related_table = related_column.table                        if related_table not in self.tables:                            continue                        log.info('    Adding <secondary> foreign key(%s) for:%s'%(key, related_table.name))                        setattr(Temporal, plural(related_table.name), _deferred_relationship(Temporal,                                 relation(singular(name2label(related_table.name,                                                     related_table.schema)),                                          secondary=join_table,                                          primaryjoin=list(primary_column.foreign_keys)[0].column==primary_column,                                          secondaryjoin=column==related_column                                          )))                        break;        return Temporaldef gen_models_dir(app, models_dir):    #找到并建立models文件夹和__init__.py文件    if not models_dir:        app_root = app.config.get('APPLICATION_ROOT', '')        if not app_root:            app_root = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__) ) )        models_dir = os.path.join(app_root, 'models')    if not os.path.exists(models_dir):        os.mkdir(models_dir)    init_file = os.path.join(models_dir, '__init__.py')    with open(init_file, 'wb') as fh:        fh.write('#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n')    return models_dirdef write_db_file(db_file):    #建立数据库定义文件    with open(db_file, 'wb') as fh:        fh.write('#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n')        fh.write('\n')        fh.write('from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy\n')        fh.write('\n\n')        fh.write('db = SQLAlchemy()\n')def write_schema_file(factory, schema_file, name='default'):    #建立数据库定义文件    with open(schema_file, 'wb') as fh:        fh.write("#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n")        fh.write('\n')        fh.write( repr(factory) )        fh.write('\n')        fh.write("if __name__ == '__main__':\n")        if name == 'default':            fh.write("    db.create_all(bind=None)\n")        else:            fh.write("    db.create_all(bind=['%s'])\n" % name)def generate_models(app, models_dir=None):    db = SQLAlchemy(app)    conns = {        'default': app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI') or {},    }    conns.update( app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_BINDS') or {} )    models_dir = gen_models_dir(app, models_dir)    db_file = os.path.join(models_dir, 'db.py')    if not os.path.exists(db_file):        write_db_file(db_file)    for name, conn in conns.items():        if not conn:            continue        schema_file = os.path.join(models_dir, '%s.py' % name)        if not os.path.exists(schema_file):            factory = FlaskModelFactory(name, conn)            write_schema_file(factory, schema_file, name)if __name__ == '__main__':    import sys    sys.path.append(        os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__) ) )    )    app = Flask(__name__)    app.config.from_object('settings')    name2label = no_prefix_wrapper(name2label, app.config.get('TABLE_PREFIX'))    generate_models(app)
