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Oracle常用SQL集锦----持续更新中......--1)Primary tablecreate table T_FRANK(T_NONUMBER not null,T_NA

--1)Primary table

create table T_FRANK(  T_NO                          NUMBER not null,  T_NAME                        NUMBER)tablespace STAGING_TEST2_DATA  pctfree 10  pctused 40  initrans 1  maxtrans 255  storage  (    initial 1M    minextents 1    maxextents unlimited  );

-- 2)add PK for table T_FRANK
alter table T_FRANK  add constraint PK_T_FRANK primary key (T_NO)  using index   tablespace STAGING_TEST2_DATA  pctfree 10  initrans 2  maxtrans 255  storage  (    initial 64K    minextents 1    maxextents unlimited  );

-- update field's type
alter table T_FRANK modify T_NAME VARCHAR2(30);

--3)Foreign table
create table T_FRANK_TEST(  F_ID                          NUMBER not null,  T_NO                          NUMBER not null,  IS_MANDATORY                  CHAR(1) default '1',  QTY                           NUMBER default '0',  PRICE                         NUMBER(16,4),  LAUNCH_DATE                   DATE,  MODIFIER                      VARCHAR2(50))tablespace STAGING_TEST2_DATA  pctfree 10  pctused 40  initrans 1  maxtrans 255  storage  (    initial 1M    minextents 1    maxextents unlimited  );

-- 4)add PK for table T_FRANK_TEST
alter table T_FRANK_TEST  add constraint PK_T_FRANK_TEST primary key (F_ID, T_NO)  using index   tablespace STAGING_TEST2_DATA  pctfree 10  initrans 2  maxtrans 255  storage  (    initial 64K    minextents 1    maxextents unlimited  );

--5)add FK for T_FRANK_TEST
alter table T_FRANK_TEST  add constraint FK_T_FRANK_TEST_T_FRANK foreign key (T_NO)  references T_FRANK (T_NO) on delete cascade;

--6)Create/Recreate indexes
create index T_FRANK_TEST_F_ID on T_FRANK_TEST (F_ID)  tablespace STAGING_TEST2_DATA  pctfree 10  initrans 2  maxtrans 255  storage  (    initial 64K    minextents 1    maxextents unlimited  );

--7) insert data to T_FRANKinsert into T_FRANK values(NVL((select max(T_NO) from T_FRANK),0)+1,'Frank1');insert into T_FRANK values(NVL((select max(T_NO) from T_FRANK),0)+1,'Frank2');commit;

--8) insert data to T_FRANK_TEST
insert into T_FRANK_TEST values(NVL((select max(F_ID) from T_FRANK_TEST),0)+1,1,'1',1000,66.98,sysdate,'FrankWang');insert into T_FRANK_TEST values(NVL((select max(F_ID) from T_FRANK_TEST),0)+1,2,'1',1000,66.98,sysdate,'FrankWang');commit;

--9) update data
UPDATE T_FRANK_TEST t SET t.MODIFIER='FrankWang2' where t.f_id=2;commit;

--10) delete T_FRANK(cascade delete T_FRANK_TEST)
delete from T_Frank f where f.t_no=1;commit;

--11) delete the data and the table
--因为需要,Oracle有没有类似My SQL的drop table if exists这类的支持,只好自己写一个Declare了
declare    p_table varchar2(30):='T_FRANK_TEST';    v_count number;begin   select count(1) into v_count from user_objects where object_name = upper('T_FRANK_TEST');   if v_count > 0 then      execute immediate 'drop table ' || p_table ||' cascade constraints';   end if;end;/

--12) usage for CURSOR , LOOP and WHILE in DECLARE

For this sap invoice error, there are two work need to do: please follow below order to execute the statement(1 -> 2), thanks!

1>Data patch:
Delete the dirty data from the table INVOICE_ARTICLE_SIZE, in order to delete it quickly(the dirty data is too large(about53473089)), below was my prepared statement:
According to preliminary estimates, below statement need about 13 hours in my local env. May be it need few time in Production.

DECLARE    --define batch delete number of invoices no    topnum constant int:=5;    ----53473089.=5000*maxrecords=5000*10694, maxnum=10694    maxnum constant int:=2;    i int :=1;        new_invoice_no invoice_article_size.invoice_no%TYPE;    r_row invoice_article_size%rowtype;    --get top 500 record and stored to cursor    cursor my_cursor is            select * from invoice_article_size where invoice_no not in (select invoice_no from invoice) and rownum <= topnum;                TYPE t_invoice_no IS TABLE OF varchar2(20) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;    j int :=1;    t_new_invoice_no t_invoice_no;   BEGIN    WHILE i<=maxnum LOOP      open my_cursor;        loop                fetch my_cursor into r_row;                -- not found, exit from cursor                exit when my_cursor%notfound;                --get invoce_no                t_new_invoice_no(j) := r_row.invoice_no;               dbms_output.put_line(t_new_invoice_no(j));                --delete it one by one and commit                delete from invoice_article_size where invoice_no = t_new_invoice_no(j);                commit;        end loop;      close my_cursor;      dbms_output.put_line(i);      --execute another loop      i := i+1;    END LOOP;END;

add cascade delete for INVOICE_ARTICLE_SIZE, below is the SQL:(it also need long time to execute, it depends on number of the record in the size table.)


BTW, may be this data patch can’t finish today,
But our system will continue to generate dirty data before you do Hotfix,
Hence I suggest, you’d better execute below sql to check whether there are dirty data exist:
select count(1) from invoice_article_size ins where (ins.invoice_no not in(select invoice_no from invoice));

If above select result>0, it means there are dirty data exist, you can use below delete statement to delete it directly.
delete from INVOICE_ARTICLE_SIZE i where (i.invoice_no not in(select invoice_no from invoice));commit;

