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darknetplan 一个完全不受调研的网络 cjdns

darknetplan一个完全不受审查的网络 cjdnscjdns 是这个网络的路由引擎 从来源到目的 加密每个数据包# What

darknetplan 一个完全不受审查的网络 cjdns

cjdns 是这个网络的路由引擎 从来源到目的 加密每个数据包
# What?Imagine an Internet where every packet is cryptographicallyprotected from source to destination against espionage and forgery, gettingan IP address is as simple as generating a cryptographic key, core routersmove data without a single memory look up, and denial of service is a termread about in history books. Finally, becoming an ISP is no longer confinedto the mighty telecoms, anyone can do it by running some wires or turning ona wireless device.This is the vision of cjdns. # Why?The Internet is built on protocols which largely date back to the late 80'sor earlier. At a time when it was a network of anarchistic academics andscholars showing the ITU that open standards matter, it was absolutely enough.Over time the network has gotten bigger and the users have found new needs.In the age when packet inspection is universal and security breaches arecommonplace, cryptographic integrity and confidentiality are becoming more ofa requirement. The US government recognized this requirement and has beenhelping through [IPSEC] and [DNSSEC] efforts.Another issue is how are we going to route packets in a world where the globalrouting table is simply too large for any one router to hold it all? Despitethe heroic efforts of core network engineers, the growth of the global routingtable seems an unstoppable march. Cisco router company has proposed a plancalled Locater/Identifier Separation Protocol, or [LISP] which aims to solvethis by re-aggregating the routing table without forcing people to change theirprecious IP addresses. A different view of this problem is IP addressallocation, currently it is done by a central organization which assigns IPaddresses in such a way as to make the routing table as small as possible.Unfortunately this creates a bar of entry to the ISP sphere because aspiringnetwork operators must register with the central organization and apply for anallocation of IP addresses while demonstrating that they will not be wasted.It is always easier to show that you need IP addresses if you already have anetwork.Denial of service, an attempt to prevent legitimate users from accessing aservice[1], is likewise a new problem in the expanding network. To my knowledge,there is no general purpose solution to denial of service attacks. Solutions topacket flood based denial of service often revolve around hosting a service onmany computers so that they can handle an enormous amount of traffic.Finally, the existing protocols are difficult to use, we cannot reasonablyassign blame to anyone for this, many of these protocols are over thirty yearsold and demonstrate a level of craftsmanship which I can only hope to one dayachieve. However, thirty years takes its toll on the best of us and as theInternet grew and became more complex, the administration interface of thetypical router has grown a thicket of knobs, buttons and switches to match theproliferation of use cases and failure modes. As a result, network operationhas become a science where students receive degrees and certificates for knowingthe meanings of the plethora of knobs and switches, it has also become, like thetuning of the race car, an art, passed from master to apprentice and shared onmailing lists. Suffice to say, the bar of entry into the ISP realm is too high.Users, particularly in the ad-hoc wireless network arena have observed the highbar of entry into traditional routing and have developed a menu of alternative,self-configuring protocols such as [OSLR], [HSLS], and [BATMAN].## So the problems are already solved?Not every problem listed has an existing solution and of the ones which do,many of the solutions are based on incompatible technology. For example: OSLRwas not designed to operate with IPSEC and LISP. Even where the solutions existand are ready for deployment, they still require mass technology adoption andthey don't offer existing ISPs significant immediate gains.The mismatch is rather absurd. On the one hand there are scholars, engineers,hardware and software designers with combined over 1000 years of experience.There are mathematical formulae, proofs, papers and specification documents;written, circulated, peer reviewed and written again. On the other hand youhave a single volunteer developer, a clean slate, and an attitude thatnothing is impossible. How can this be anything short of lunacy?*In revolutionary times, the old book only weighs you down.*cjdns is built on the idea that the ISPs and hosting providers which existnow will never upgrade, not to LISP, not to DNSSEC, not even to IPv6 in anymeaningful way. Building new systems to be compatible with old systems iscatering to the audience you will never have. Asking existing ISPs to upgradefor the common good is asking them to take a risk with no immediate benefit.cjdns is about throwing out the book and redefining the specifications in away that will be fast, secure, and most importantly, *easy* for the nextgeneration of ISPs to deploy and use.## What is this denial of service?Usage of a service can be interrupted by sending a flood of unwanted packetsto a host from a large number of infected "zombie" machines. This, known as[DDoS], is a problem which worsens every year as the upload speed of allinfected nodes on the Internet grows in proportion to the download speed of anygiven link. Being infected with a virus and participating in DDoS, though not apicnic, is not an emergency for the owner of the infected machine. Nor is it anemergency for their ISP. DDoS is always "their problem"... Until it strikes inyour network. Sadly, a common response from a datacenter is to stop carrying thecontroversial content, making DDoS an effective censorship tool and encouragingthe practice.Another form of denial of service which is even more insidious is intimidationby threat of faux court action. This form of denial of service is especiallyeffective since most people get their IP addresses from their ISP, when theirISP is threatened, they need to make a judgment call as to the validity of theclaim and they often act as judge and jury, disconnecting a customer in order toavoid conflict. Those who have their own IP addresses assigned to them, are ableto essentially be their own ISP and to peer with a multitude of other ISPsmaking it very difficult to threaten anyone but them.## What is the routing table and why does it keep getting bigger?A more technical issue with the Internet, and one of which many people areunaware, is address space deaggregation. Every computer connected to theInternet needs an address, a number which uniquely identifies it and which isattached to every piece of data which is to be sent to that computer. At everystop along its path through the Internet, a packet (unit of data) has itsaddress field examined by a router so it can decide which wire that packetshould be sent down. Routers have an easier time if addresses are in big blocksso that a router can look quickly at the first numbers in the address and know,for example, that it is destined for somewhere in China, not exact but enough toknow which wire to send it though. People naturally want as many addresses asthey can possibly get and they want them in the smallest blocks possible, thisis so they can then control (or buy and sell) these small blocks independently.The smaller the blocks of addresses which are announced, the larger the routingtables become and the more work the Internet's core routers must do in order tosend a packet in the right direction. There have been attempts to aggregateaddresses back in to groups but nonetheless, the number of small announcementsin the global routing table has grown every year.To address the growing routing tables, Cisco has proposed a new protocol calledLocator/Identifier Separation Protocol or LISP. The idea of LISP is toseparate the addresses which people use from the addresses which routers use,like a lower level version of DNS. LISP allows the edge ISPs and users to seethe Internet as they want it, deaggregated into small pieces for politicalreasons, and the routers to see the Internet as they want it, centralizedhierarchical pyramid of addresses emanating from some arbitrary center point.This design works well in existing routers since they are designed to getpackets with a universally unique address and look that address up in a table.This is advertised as a design feature but LISP is limited in its vision, ifone must look up the "real location" of a server before forwarding a packet,why not simply look up the fastest path?## I don't care, it's their problem.Each of these problems is a tragedy of the commons problem. The users of virusinfected computers are incentivized to save money rather than purchasing aproduct or service to rid their computer of the infection. While there aresolutions such as egress filtering which decrease the problem, ISPs areincentivized to implement as little security as possible because they are notdirectly affected. Denial of service whether by packet flooding or by faux legalaction benefits the attacker who is able to hide the truth or victimize serviceproviders as well as organizations who make it their business to provide DoSrelated services. The victim who all too often publishes information for noother reason than satisfaction of telling the truth, is the only party harmedby this type of attack, and he is the least able to prevent it. Address spacedeaggregation benefits the edge ISPs who gain more flexibility in how theirnetwork is organized at the cost of the core ISPs whose only defense is the"we will not route that" nuclear option which would no doubt bring about arevolt from the edge ISPs.Each of these problems hurts everyone, DDoS forces ISPs to over prevision theirlines, denial of service through faux legal action increases the cost of runninga community website or ISP since each accusation must be reviewed and itsvalidity assessed, and address deaggregation means everyone must pay more tohave their packets routed through increasingly high power routers, anddifficulty of operating a router and getting a block of IP addresses hurtscompetition in the ISP sphere, thus increasing prices and impeding progress.# How?cjdns is made of three major components which are woven together.There is a switch, a router, and a CryptoAuth module. With total disregard forthe OSI layers, each module is inherently dependent on both of the others. Therouter cannot function without routing in a small world which is made possibleby the switch, the switch is blind and dumb without the router to command it,and without the router and switch, the CryptoAuth has nothing to protect.## The Switch*He doesn't think about his actions; they flow from the core of his being.*Switches use an internal numeric compression scheme to compress the interfaceindex into a few bits of the 64-bit label. How they compress the number is animplementation detail as long as they can read a label number and know how manyof the low bits "belong to them" as opposed to the next switch along the path.Also the routing interface of each node is always compressed as the 4 bits "0001".After determining the correct destination interface, the switch will bit shiftthe label to the right and add reversed bits to the now empty left side of thelabel such that if the entire label were reversed, the switch would send thepacket in the opposite direction. In the event of an error, the switch does abitwise reversal of the entire label and sends the packet back where it camefrom. By doing a full bitwise reversal, the switches need not care how otherswitches encode the numbers or be able to reverse the order since they canreverse the the entire label.There are always at least 3 zero bits between the reversed return path andthe forward path, but the zeroes from the reversed source routing interfaceand the target routing interface can overlap.                        1               2               3        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+     0 |                                                               |       -                         Switch Label                          -     4 |                                                               |       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+     8 |      Type     |                  Priority                     |       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+Switch headers are designed to be small and efficient. The fields include the`label` of which some number of bits (henceforth known as a discriminator)belong to each switch along the forwarding path, the `Type` field indicatingthe type of packet. Reserved packet types are `0` for opaque data, and `1` forswitch control messages (eg errors). The `Priority` field contains a numberwhich represents how important the delivery of a packet is. When a link becomessaturated, the switch sending packets over that link SHOULD drop packets ofleast priority and MAY decrease the priority of all packets passing through it.When packets are dropped, switches SHOULD emit an error packet with the inverselabel to be sent to the sender. Switches SHOULD make adjustments based on errorpackets which are sent in response to packets which they forwarded, forwardingerror packets is OPTIONAL, in flood situations it may not be wise.If Alice wants to send a packet to Fred via Bob, Charlie, Dave and Elinor, shewill send a message over her interface to Bob's. This packet will have a labelthat causes the packet to be routed to Charlie then on to Dave.NOTE: Spaces between bits are for illustration only, switches do not know howmany bits of a label are used by anyone other than themselves.Alice's original label, before entering her switch:    0000000000000000000000000 0001 101011 011010 100101101 10111 0100011    ^^^-- unused space --^^^^                                    ^^^^^^^-- Alice's discriminator for switching to Bob.The source discriminator for a routing interface is always "0001" (and getsprefixed with zeroes to match the length of "0100011"), so she sends this labelto Bob:    1000000 0000000000000000000000000 0001 101011 011010 100101101 10111    ^^^^-- Alice's discriminator for herself (reversed)            ^^^^^-- Bob's discriminator for routing to Charlie.Bob shifts off his discriminator and applies to the top of the label the bit-reversed discriminator for the Bob->Alice interface.    11001 1000000 0000000000000000000000000 0001 101011 011010 100101101    ^^^^^ ^^^^-- Alice's discriminator for herself (reversed)  ^^^^^^^^^-- Charlie's discriminator for Dave.        ^-- Bob's discriminator for Alice, bit-reversed.Charlie removes his discriminator and applies the reversed discriminator forsending to Bob then forwards to Dave.    110110011 11001 1000000 0000000000000000000000000 0001 101011 011010    ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^                                          ^^^^^^-- Dave's discriminator for Elinor.    ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^    ^-- Alice's discriminator for herself (reversed)    ^^^^^^^^^     ^-- Bob's discriminator for Alice (reversed).            ^-- Charlie discriminator for Bob (reversed).Supposing Dave cannot forward the packet and needs to send an error, he doesnot know where Charlie's discriminator ends and Bob's begins so he can'tre-order them but because they are bit reversed, he can reverse the order bybit reversing the entire label.    010110 110101 1000 0000000000000000000000000 0000001 10011 110011011                                                    ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^-- Charlie's discriminator for Bob.                                                    ^^^^ ^-- Bob's discriminator for Alice.                                                       ^ Alice's discriminator for herself.Dave can then send the packet back to Charlie who need not know what it is inorder to forward it correctly on to Bob and then to Alice. If the packet hadreached Fred, he would be able to use the same technique of reversing the labelin order to determine its origin.In order for labels to be able to be spliced together, the most significant bitin a label must always be `1` so that we know where it ends. Since all routesmust end at a router, this means that all switches must regard `1` as areference to the router which sits atop them. Specifically, any label whoseleast significant 4 bits are `0001` MUST be regarded as a self reference androuters must never send a message with a label for which the highest 3 bits arenot zero. This is important so that the reverse route data applied by routersalong the path is not mistaken for additional forward route.Supposing a node uses 8 bits to represent 256 switch slots, the 16 of those slotsending in `0001` must point to it's own router in order for other nodes to be ableto splice routes through it.Splicing is done by XORing the second part with `1` and shifting it left by thelog base 2 of the first part, then XORing the result with the first part. Given:    routeAB =        0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001011101110101011001    routeBC =        0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000110101010100    XOR 1            0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001    equals           0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000110101010101    << log2(routeAB) 0000000000000000000000000000000000110101010101000000000000000000    XOR  routeAB     0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001011101110101011001    equals routeAC   0000000000000000000000000000000000110101010100011101110101011001                                                                  ^-- Overlap bitThe log base 2 represents the index of the first set bit, starting from theright. This means that shifting by the log base 2 leaves 1 bit of overlap, thisalong with the XORing of the second part (`routeBC`) against `1` causes thehighest bit in the first part to be overwritten.Given two routes, it is possible to determine whether one route is an extensionof another one, this is similar to the reverse of the the splicing routine. Todetermine that routeAC "routes through" the node at the end of by routeAB, onesimply takes the bitwise complement of zero, shifted right by 64 minus the logbase 2 of routeAB, bitwise ANDs it against routeAB and routeAC and compares theresults, if they are equal then routeAC begins with routeAB.    routeAC =        0000000000000000000000000000000000110101010100011101110101011001    routeAB =        0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001011101110101011001    g = 64 - min(log2(routeBC), log2(routeAC))    ~0 =             1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111    >> g             0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111    h = ~0 >> g    h & routeAB      0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011101110101011001    h & routeAC      0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011101110101011001In order to allow a switch to add more interfaces without knowing how many itwill use in advance, switches should be able to add new interfaces whosediscriminators use more bits than the ones for the old interfaces. However, whena switch forwards a packet, the source discriminator MUST NOT be longer than thedestination discriminator, otherwise there would not be be enough room for it inthe space made by shifting the label. To resolve this, a switch's numbercompression scheme MUST allow it to represent all discriminators shorter than Xbits, using X bits. Routers MUST always return routes using at least as manybits in the first discriminator as are used for the discriminator for the nodewho is asking. Finally, switches MUST drop packets for which the discriminatoris represented in fewer bits than the smallest representation of the sourceinterface for the packet. Switches SHOULD send back an error packet so that thebogus route may be purged as soon as possible.A packet whose label requests that it be routed back down the same interface fromwhich it came SHOULD be dropped and an error packet SHOULD be sent back so thatthe "redundant route" may be resolved.Since label space is most efficiently used when a switch's largestdiscriminator is closest in size to its smallest discriminator, renumberinginterfaces is encouraged, especially right after start up when all interfaceshave just been registered. However, switches SHOULD NOT re-number more thannecessary as it breaks existing routes which run through them.## The RouterA router has 3 functions, it periodically searches for things, responds tosearches, and forwards packets. When a router responds to a search, it respondswith nodes which it thinks will get closer to the destination. The responsesMUST NOT have addresses which are, in address space distance, further from theresponding node than the search target, and they MUST NOT have routes whichbegin with the same interface as the route to the querying node. These twosimple rules provide that no search will ever go in circles and no route willever go down an interface, only to be bounced back. While the second rule canonly be enforced by the honer system, querying nodes MUST double check the firstrule. The node doing the searching adds the newly discovered nodes to theirrouting table and to the search, then continues the search by asking them.Upon receiving a search response containing one's own address, a node SHOULDpurge all entries from its table whose routes begin with that route. This willcontrol the proliferation of redundant routes.The "address space distance" between any two given addresses is defined as theof the result of the two addresses XOR'd against one another, rotated 64 bits,then interpreted as a big endian integer. The so called "XOR metric" waspioneered in the work on [Kademlia] DHT system and is used to forward a packetto someone who probably knows the whole route to the destination. The 64 bitrotation of the result is used to improve performance where the first bits ofthe address is fixed to avoid collisions in the IPv6 space.Adding nodes to the routing table from search responses is done by splicing theroute to the node which was asked with the route to the node in the response,yielding a route to the final destination through them.Router messages are sent as normal UDP/IPv6 packets except that their UDP sourceand destination port numbers are zero and the hop limit (TTL) field in the IPv6header is set to zero. Any packet which meets these characteristics is to beconsidered a router message and any packet which doesn't is not. It is criticalthat inter-router communications are themselves, not routed because it wouldbreak the label splicing for search responses.The content of the inter-router messages is [bEncoded][bEncode] dictionaries.Routers send search queries which have a key called "q", and replies whichdon't. Routers SHOULD reply to a message with a "q" entry but MUST NOT reply ifthere is none, lest they reply to a reply. All messages have a transaction idnumber, a sort of cookie made of a bencoded string containing arbitrary byteswhich must be reflected back in the reply. The most common query is a find nodeor "fn" query. "fn" queries have a field called "tar" for the target addresswhich the node is looking for. Responses to "fn" queries have a field called "n"which is a binary string containing the 32 byte public keys and 8 byte switchlabels for the responses.Example fn query in JSON:    {        "q":    "fn",        "tar":  "abcdefghhijklmno",        "txid": "12345"    }Same query bEncoded as the routers use:    d1:q2:fn3:tar16:abcdefghhijklmno4:txid5:12345eExample fn reply in JSON:NOTE: this reply only shows 2 nodes returned and is for illustration purposesin most cases the number would be an implementation specific constant around 8.    {        "n": "cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghi1234567qponmlkjihgzyxwvutsrstuvwxyzabcde2345678"        "txid": "12345"    }Same reply bEncoded    d1:n80:cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghi1234567qponmlkjihgzyxwvutsrstuvwxyzabcde2345678eThe nodes in an fn reply are ordered from worst to best so the best answer isthe last entry in the reply.Routers choose the node to forward a packet to in a similar way to how theyanswer search queries. They select nodes from their routing table except in thiscase the selection contains only one node. The packet is sent through theCryptoAuth session corresponding to this node and the label for getting to it isapplied to the packet before sending to the switch. The "search target" forforwarding a packet is the IPv6 destination address of the packet.## The CryptoAuthThe CryptoAuth is a mechanism for wrapping interfaces, you supply it with aninterface and optionally a key, and it gives you a new interface which allowsyou to send packets to someone who has that key. Like the rest of cjdns, it isdesigned to function with best effort data transit. The CryptoAuth handshakeis based on piggybacking headers on top of regular data packets and while thetraffic in handshake packets is encrypted and authenticated, it is not secureagainst replay attacks and has no forward secrecy if the private key iscompromised. The CryptoAuth header adds takes 120 bytes of overhead to thepacket, causing a fluctuating MTU.There are 5 types of CryptoAuth header:1. Connect To Me - Used to start a session without knowing the other node's key.2. Hello Packet  - The first message in beginning a session.3. Key Packet    - The second message in a session.4. Data Packet   - A normal traffic packet.5. Authenticated - A traffic packet with Poly1305 authentication.All CryptoAuth headers are 120 bytes long except for the Data Packet headerwhich is 4 bytes and the Authenticated header which is 20 bytes. The first 4bytes of any CryptoAuth header is a big endian number which is used to determineits type, this is the so-called "Session State" number. If it is the inverse ofzero, it is a Connect To Me header, if it is zero, it is a Hello Packet, if oneor two, it is a Hello Packet or repeated Hello Packet, if it is three or four,it is a Key Packet or repeated Key Packet. If it is any number larger than four,it is either a Data Packet or an Authenticated packet, depending on whetherauthentication was requested during the handshake.Handshake packet structure:                          1               2               3          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7         +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+       0 |                         Session State                         |         +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+       4 |                                                               |         +                                                               +       8 |                         Auth Challenge                        |         +                                                               +      12 |                                                               |         +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+      16 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      20 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      24 |                                                               |         +                         Random Nonce                          +      28 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      32 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      36 |                                                               |         +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+      40 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      44 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      48 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      52 |                                                               |         +                     Permanent Public Key                      +      56 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      60 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      64 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      68 |                                                               |         +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+      72 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      76 |                                                               |         +                     Poly1305 Authenticator                    +      80 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      84 |                                                               |         +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+      88 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      92 |                                                               |         +                                                               +      96 |                                                               |         +                                                               +     100 |                                                               |         +          Encrypted/Authenticated Temporary Public Key         +     104 |                                                               |         +                                                               +     108 |                                                               |         +                                                               +     112 |                                                               |         +                                                               +     116 |                                                               |         +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+         |                                                               |         +        Variable Length Encrypted/Authenticated Content        +         |                                                               |### 1) Connect To Me PacketIf "Session State" is equal to the bitwise complement of zero, the sender isrequesting that the recipient begin a connection with him, this is done in caseswhen the initiator of the connection does not know the key for the recipient.If the entire header is not present the recipient MUST drop the packet silently,the only field which is read in the packet is the "Permanent Public Key" field,all others SHOULD be ignored, specifically, content MUST not be passed onbecause it cannot be authenticated. The recipient of such a packet SHOULD sendback a "hello" packet if there is no established connection. If there is alreadya connection over the interface, the recipient SHOULD NOT respond but MAY allowthe connection to time out faster.### 2) Hello PacketIf the "Session State" field is equal to the one or two, the packet is a HelloPacket or a repeated Hello Packet. If no connection is present, one MAY beestablished and the recipient MAY send a Key Packet in response but it isRECOMMENDED that he wait until he has data to send first. A node who has sent aHello Packet, has gotten no response and now wishes to send more data MUST sendthat data as more (repeat) Hello Packets. The temporary public key and thecontent are encrypted and authenticated using the permanent public keys of thetwo nodes and "Random Nonce" in the header. The content and temporary key isencrypted and authenticated using crypto_box_curve25519poly1305xsalsa20()function.### 3) Key PacketIf the "Session State" field is equal to two or three, the packet is a KeyPacket. Key Packets are responses to Hello Packets and like Hello Packets, theycontain a temporary public key encrypted and authenticated along with the data.Once a node receives a Key Packet it may begin sending data packets. A node whohas received a Hello Packet, sent a Key Packet, gotten no further response, andnow wishes to send more data MUST send that data as more (repeat) key packets.### 4) Data PacketThe traditional data packet has only 4 bytes of header, these 4 bytes are thenonce which is used for the cipher, the packet is enciphered usingcrypto_stream_salsa20_xor() with the nonce, converted to little endian encoding,and copied to the first four bytes of the 8 byte nonce required by crypto_stream_salsa20_xor() unless the node is the initiator of the connection(the sender of the hello packet), in which case it is copied over the secondfour bytes of the space, thus allowing for a single session to handle 2^32packets in either direction.### 5) Authenticated PacketThe Authenticated Packet is sent if Poly1305 authentication was requested byeither node during the handshake. Like the Data Packet, the first 4 bytes isused as the nonce, in this case it is a 24 byte nonce andcrypto_box_curve25519poly1305xsalsa20() is used to encrypt and decrypt the data,but the methodology is exactly the same. If a packet is not authenticated, itMUST be silently dropped.#### ReplayProtectorWhen packet authentication is enabled, the packet is checked for replay attacks(intentional or accidental) the replay protection method is to use a 32 bitoffset and a 32 bit bitfield to create a sliding window. When a packet comes in,its nonce is compared to the offset, if it is less then the offset, it isdiscarded. If when subtracted from the offset, the result is less than or equalto 32, 1 is shifted left by the result, bitwise ANDed against the bitfield andcompared to zero, if it is not zero then the packet is a duplicate and isdiscarded. If it is zero then it is OR'd against the bitfield to set the samebit is set and the packet is passed along. If the result of subtraction isgreater than 32, 32 is subtracted from it, this result is added to the offset,the bitfield is shifted left by this amount, then the least significant bit inthe bitfield is set. This is obviously only available when packets areauthenticated but provides a secure protection against replay attacks andaccidentally duplicated packets EG: from 802.11 noise.This solution is limited in that packets which are more then 32 "slots" out oforder will be discarded. In some cases, this could be a benefit since in besteffort networking, never is often better than late.### Authentication field:This field allows a node to connect using a password or other shared secret,the AuthType field specifies how the secret should be used to connect.                       1               2               3       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+    0 |   AuthType    |                                               |      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+        AuthType Specific                      +    4 |                                                               |      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+    8 |A|                      AuthType Specific                      |      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+The "A" flag is used to indicate that the node is requesting the session usePoly1305 authentication for all of its packets. The "AuthType Specific" fieldsspecific to the authentication type.#### AuthType ZeroAuthType Zero is no authentication at all. If the AuthType is set to zero, allAuthType Specific fields are disregarded and SHOULD be set to random numbers.#### AuthType OneAuthType One is a SHA-256 based authentication method.                       1               2               3       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+    0 |   Auth Type   |                                               |      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+           Hash Code                           +    4 |                                                               |      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+    8 |A|        Derivations          |           Additional          |      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+With AuthType One, the shared secret (password) is hashed once and the result isappended to the 32 byte output from scalar multiplication of the curve25519 keysthese 64 bytes are hashed again with SHA-256 to make the symmetric key to beused for the session. It is also hashed a second time and the result copied overthe first 8 bytes of the authentication header before the AuthType field is set.The effect being that the "Hash Code" field contains bytes 2 through 8 the hashof the hash of the password. This is used as a sort of username so that theother end knows which password to try using in the handshake.If Derivations is non-zero, an additional step is included, the two mostsignificant bytes of the password hash are ZORed against the two bytes of thenetwork representation of Derivations and it is hashed using SHA-256 onceagain before being included in the generation of the symmetric key. This form isnotably NOT used in the Hash Code field.This allows a node Alice, to give a secret to Charlie, which he can use to starta CryptoAuth session with Bob, without leaking Alice's shared secret. Thisallows nodes to generate, share and derive secrets through trusted connections,creating new trusted connections and use them to share more secrets, adding ameasure of forward secrecy in the event of a cryptographic weakness found inthe asymmetric cryptography.## Pulling It All TogetherThe journey of a packet begins at the user interface device (TUN or similar).The user sends an IPv6 packet which comes in to the TUN device and enters theengine, it is checked to make sure its source and destination addresses arevalid and then a router lookup is made on the destination address. cjdnsaddresses are the first 16 bytes of the SHA-512 of the SHA-512 of the publickey. All addresses must begin with the byte `0xFC` otherwise they are invalid,generating a key is done by brute force key generation until the result of thedouble SHA-512 begins with `0xFC`.After the router lookup, the node compares the destination address to theaddress of the next router, if they are the same, the inner layer ofencryption is skipped. Assuming they are different, the IPv6 header is copiedto a safe place and a CryptoAuth session is selected for the destinationaddress, or created if there is none, and the packet content is passed throughit. The IPv6 header is re-applied on top of the CryptoAuth header for thecontent, the packet length field in the IPv6 header is notably *not* altered toreflect the headers which are now under it.The packet is now ready to send to the selected router. For sending the packetto the router, a CryptoAuth session is selected for the router's address andthe packet, from IPv6 header down, is passed through it. A switch header isapplied to the resulting encrypted structure and it is sent down to the switchfor routing.The switch takes the packet and sends it to a network module which uses yetanother CryptoAuth session to encipher and authenticate the packet from theswitch header down. The resulting data is packaged in a network packet and sentto the switch at the next node.Upon receiving the packet, the next node sends the packet through itsCryptoAuth session thus revealing the switch header and it sends the packet toits switch. The switch most likely will send the packet out to another endpointas per the dictate of the packet label but may send it to its router, eventuallythe node for which the packet is destine will receive it.The router, upon receiving the packet will examine it to see if it appears to bea CryptoAuth Connect To Me packet, Hello packet, or Key packet. If it is one ofthese, it will insert the IPv6 address, as derived from the public key in theheader, into a hashtable so it can be looked up by the switch label. Otherwiseit will do a lookup. If the Address cannot be found in its hashtable, it willtry asking the router if it knows of a node by that label and if all fails, thepacket will be dropped.From the IPv6 address, it will lookup the CryptoAuth session or create one ifnecessary, then pass the opaque data through the CryptoAuth session to get thedecrypted IPv6 header.If the source address for the packet is the same as the double SHA-512 of thepublic key for the router from which it came, it's assumed to have no innerlayer of encryption and it is written to the TUN device as it is. If its sourceaddress is different, it is passed back through a CryptoAuth session as selectedbased on the source IPv6 address. The IPv6 header is then moved up to meet thecontent (into the place where the CryptoAuth header had been) and the finalpacket is written out to the TUN device.![illustration](https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/raw/master/rfcs/flowchart.png)[OSLR]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3626[HSLS]: http://www.ir.bbn.com/documents/techmemos/TM1301.pdf[BATMAN]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B.A.T.M.A.N.[1]: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/denial_of_service.html[2]: http://www.verisigninc.com/assets/whitepaper-ddos-threat-forrester.pdf "DDoS: A Threat You Can’t Afford To Ignore" [LISP]: http://lisp.cisco.com/[Bitcoin]: http://www.bitcoin.org/ "BitCoin: a decentralized electronic cash system using peer-to-peer networking, digital signatures and cryptographic proof to enable irreversible payments between parties without relying on trust."[Namecoin]: http://dot-bit.org/Main_Page "Namecoin: a peer-to-peer generic name/value datastore system based on Bitcoin technology (a decentralized cryptocurrency)."[IPSEC]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec "IPsec: a protocol suite for securing Internet Protocol (IP) communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP packet of a communication session. IPsec also includes protocols for establishing mutual authentication between agents at the beginning of the session and negotiation of cryptographic keys to be used during the session."[DNSSEC]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System_Security_Extensions "A suite of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) specifications for securing certain kinds of information provided by the Domain Name System (DNS) as used on Internet Protocol (IP) networks. It is a set of extensions to DNS which provide to DNS clients (resolvers) origin authentication of DNS data, authenticated denial of existence, and data integrity, but not availability or confidentiality."[DNS]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System "A hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities. Most importantly, it translates domain names meaningful to humans into the numerical identifiers associated with networking equipment for the purpose of locating and addressing these devices worldwide."[P2P]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer "Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads among peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in the application. They are said to form a peer-to-peer network of nodes."[Internet]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet "A global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies."[DDoS]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack "An attempt to make a computer or network resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person, or multiple people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely."[bEncode]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bencode "The encoding used by the peer-to-peer file sharing system BitTorrent for storing and transmitting loosely structured data."[DHT]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_hash_table "A class of a decentralized distributed system that provides a lookup service similar to a hash table; (key, value) pairs are stored in a DHT, and any participating node can efficiently retrieve the value associated with a given key. Responsibility for maintaining the mapping from keys to values is distributed among the nodes, in such a way that a change in the set of participants causes a minimal amount of disruption. This allows a DHT to scale to extremely large numbers of nodes and to handle continual node arrivals, departures, and failures."[BitTorrent]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent_(protocol) "A peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data over the Internet. "[Kademlia]: http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~petar/papers/maymounkov-kademlia-lncs.pdf
