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区间值的验证create table TEST3(n1 NUMBER,n2 NUMBER)delete from test3commitinsert into test3(n1,n


create table TEST3(  n1 NUMBER,  n2 NUMBER);delete from test3;commit;insert into test3(n1,n2) values(5,50);insert into test3(n1,n2) values(60,80);insert into test3(n1,n2) values(90,100);insert into test3(n1,n2) values(200,300);commit;select * from test3;select *      from (select t.n1 rec_firest,                   t.n2 rec_second,                   nvl(lag(n2, 1) over(order by t.n1), 0) FirstValue,                   t.n1 secondValue,                   t.n2 thirdValue,                   nvl(lead(n1, 1) over(order by t.n1), 99999999999999) LastValue              from test3 t             order by t.n1) x     where (x.firstValue < 10 and x.secondValue > 20)        or (x.thirdValue < 10 and x.lastValue > 20);/*验证区间范围(正向验证)例如 5   -  50     60  -  80     90  -  100      200 -  300     验证(1:验证通过 0:验证失败)     1   -  4  :return 1     10  -  20 :return 0     51  -  55 :return 1     35  -  99 :reutrn 0     59  -  88 :reutrn 0     301 -  400:return 1*/create or replace function checkIntervalPositive(in_min test3.n1%type,                                         in_max test3.n2%type)  return number is  cursor check_Interval is    Select *      From (With Tmp_x As (Select t.n1 rec_firest,                                  t.n2 rec_second,                                  Nvl(Lag(t.N2, 1) Over(Order By t.N1), 0) FirstValue,                                  t.N1 secondValue,                                  t.N2 thirdValue,                                  Nvl(Lead(t.N1, 1) Over(Order By t.N1),                                      999999999) LastValue                             From Test3 t                            Order By t.N1)             Select Case                      When (Select Count(1) From Tmp_x) = 0 Then                       -1                      Else                       Null                    End rec_firest,                    Case                      When (Select Count(1) From Tmp_x) = 0 Then                       -1                      Else                       Null                    End rec_second,                    Case                      When (Select Count(1) From Tmp_x) = 0 Then                       0                      Else                       null                    End FirstValue,                    Case                      When (Select Count(1) From Tmp_x) = 0 Then                       -1                      Else                       Null                    End secondValue,                    Case                      When (Select Count(1) From Tmp_x) = 0 Then                       -1                      Else                       Null                    End thirdValue,                    Case                      When (Select Count(1) From Tmp_x) = 0 Then                       999999999                      Else                       null                    End LastValue               From Dual             union all             Select *               From Tmp_x                          ) x              Where 1 = 1                And x.FirstValue is not null                and ((x.firstValue < in_min and x.secondValue > in_max) or                    (x.thirdValue < in_min and x.lastValue > in_max));  type rec_row is RECORD(    rec_firest  test3.n1%type,    rec_second  test3.n2%type,    FirstValue  number,    secondValue test3.n1%type,    thirdValue  test3.n2%type,    LastValue   number);  temp_row rec_row;begin  if in_min is null or in_max is null then    return 0;  end if;  open check_Interval;  fetch check_Interval    into temp_row;  IF (check_Interval%FOUND) THEN    dbms_output.put_line('起始值   |  终止值  | 当前行的上一行终止值  |  当前起始值  |  当前终止值  |  当前行的下一行起始值');    while check_Interval%found loop      dbms_output.put_line('    ' || temp_row.rec_firest || '         ' ||                           temp_row.rec_second || '              ' ||                           temp_row.FirstValue || '                   ' ||                           temp_row.rec_second || '                ' ||                           temp_row.thirdValue || '                  ' ||                           temp_row.LastValue);      fetch check_Interval        into temp_row;    end loop;    CLOSE check_Interval;    RETURN 1;  END IF;  close check_Interval;  return 0;end;declare  returnNumber_ number;begin  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalPositive(1, 4);  dbms_output.put_line('1   -  4   :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalPositive(10, 20);  dbms_output.put_line('10  -  20  :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalPositive(51, 55);  dbms_output.put_line('51  -  55  :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalPositive(35, 99);  dbms_output.put_line('35  -  99  :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalPositive(51, 55);  dbms_output.put_line('59  -  88  :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalPositive(301, 400);  dbms_output.put_line('301 -  400 :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');end;/*验证区间范围(反向验证)例如 5   -  50     60  -  80     90  -  100      200 -  300     验证(0:验证通过 1:验证失败)     1   -  4  :return 0     10  -  20 :return 1     51  -  55 :return 0     35  -  99 :reutrn 1     59  -  88 :reutrn 1     301 -  400:return 0*/create or replace function checkIntervalReverse(in_min test3.n1%type,                                                in_max test3.n2%type)  return number is  cursor check_Interval is    Select *      From TEST3 t     Where ((t.N1 > in_min And t.N1 < in_max) Or           (t.N2 > in_min And t.N2 < in_max))        Or (in_min > t.N1 And in_max < t.N2);  temp_row check_Interval%Rowtype;begin  if in_min is null or in_max is null then    return 0;  end if;  open check_Interval;  fetch check_Interval    into temp_row;  IF (check_Interval%FOUND) THEN    CLOSE check_Interval;    RETURN 1;  END IF;  close check_Interval;  return 0;end;declare  returnNumber_ number;begin  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalReverse(1, 4);  dbms_output.put_line('1   -  4   :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalReverse(10, 20);  dbms_output.put_line('10  -  20  :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalReverse(51, 55);  dbms_output.put_line('51  -  55  :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalReverse(35, 99);  dbms_output.put_line('35  -  99  :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalReverse(51, 55);  dbms_output.put_line('59  -  88  :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');  returnNumber_ := checkIntervalReverse(301, 400);  dbms_output.put_line('301 -  400 :=' || returnNumber_);  dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------------------------------');end;
