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Galaxy银河mule的SOA治理平台Galaxy作者Dan Diephouse的博客译文(地址:http://netzooid.com/blog/),从08年


mule的SOA治理平台Galaxy作者Dan Diephouse的博客译文(地址:http://netzooid.com/blog/),从08年开始因为08年Galaxy发布了。比较难看难译,不像公开技术文章或者官方博客,用语比较正式。先备忘几个相关文章:


More on this topic later as I have a lot of thoughts about the strengths and limitations of AtomPub in this scenario.

? 集成:我们集成了Mule、CXF、Spring,你可以发现、检索你的mule配置——你只需要一个URL 来通过Galaxy启动Mule。使用CXF,你可以构建一系列运行时策略并应用到你的服务,我们也构建了一些其他的插件,比如一个Microsoft’s WCF框架,即将发布。

? AtomPub API:我们有工作空间workspaces概念,组件版本历史遗迹注释来作为AtomPub集合,组件可以通过AtomPub来查询,使用以上的查询语言(http://host/api/registry?q=select artifact ….)。这里有更多信息:this page. 当然我们还使用了Apache Abdera Galaxy河汉More on this topic later as I have a lot of thoughts about the strengths and limitations of AtomPub in this scenario.




We have a number of other cool features planned for the near future as well. But just as importantly we need your feedback. Please check it out and let us know what you think. What would convince you to deploy this inside your organization? What governance features are you looking for (if any)?

For more information see:

Feature overviewScreenshotsUser’s guideDownloads



《JCR and AtomPub》

Now that Galaxy is announced, I can unleash my fury of blogging again. Or, as we all know will probably happen, I can blog just slightly less sporadically again.

One of the recent posts I’ve wanted to comment on is Atom is the New JCR (prompted by Sam Ruby). Adrian Sutton writes:

“When the Java Content Repository (JCR) standard first came out it was supposed to bring in a new era of compatibility between content repositories and put an end to the content silo. There was, and still is, a lot of talk about it and just about everyone added JCR compliance to their marketing materials. Unfortunately, that’s mostly where things stopped – the implementation work that followed was generally done was buggy or incomplete and the only viable JCR implementations that I’ve seen have come out of Day Software, who lead the JCR spec effort.”





We use JCR inside Galaxy for all our storage needs at the moment. Using it has been an interesting experience to say the least. One of my favorite “features” of JCR has been the fact that you can not have two seperate threads create a child node with the same name at the same time. Which means in our activity log, we can’t add two nodes called “/activity” to “/activities” at the same time.
The main reason we decided to go with JCR is that it supports both simple database type data and file type data via the same interface transparently. I’m not 100% sure it was the right choice though. I had to write an ORM like framework as the one in Jackrabbit seemed pretty immature and I didn’t have time to delve into the rabbit hole of the jcr-mapping module in Jackrabbit. Mine is limited but as least I could figure out how to use it. We’ll be reevaluating this for the future though now that Jackrabbit 1.4 is nearly out.

我们在Galaxy中使用了JCR,用于所有的存储,这是个有趣的体验!我最喜欢的JCR特性是你”不能用两个单独线程同时创建同名子节点“,也就是说在我们的活动日志中我们不能为“/activities”添加两个“/activity”节点。我们采用JCR 的主要原因是因为它即支持简单数据库类型数据也支持文件类型数据,都是通过相同的接口来透明地做到的,虽然我不是很确定这是正确的选择。...Jackrabbit...


Adrian continues:

Then along came Atom which is all about remote access and manipulation of data and missing probably 90% of the functionality that JCR offers. It really isn’t a competitor to JCR at all and yet it’s doing more to break down content silos than JCR ever has. Atom support isn’t just being added to the marketing materials, it’s actually shipping and is usable in a lot of places – IBM’s Lotus Connections has Atom APIs to everything and, as best I can tell, only Atom APIs to it’s repository.




? “Atom出现了,它是用于远程访问及数据操作,丢掉了90%的JCR功能。它确实不是和JCR同等定位的东西,它比JCR做了更多的内容分解..."


I completely agree that JCR isn’t very worthwhile as something that will break down content silos. It does have value as an API to work with data though. Atom is quite limited in the granularity it can work with data (which coincidentally is one of the reasons Web3S exists as well). And you still need to store your data somewhere.

Atom has not replaced JCR it has supplemented it. We use JCR as a content store for Galaxy. I’ve also written a generic JCR content store for AtomPub inside of Abdera. Sure, the vendor promises are probably wrong about the content-silos, but it sure simplifies some things when writing applications – which is what really counts!

Update: David Nuescheler has written a great follow up to this whole discussion.

Also, Jackrabbit 1.4 is out.?


我完全同意JCR不是非常值得as something that will break down content silos,作为API来处理数据它确实是有价值的,Atom所能处理的数据 的力度是很有限的(这正巧是Web3S 还存在的原因),你仍然需要存储你的数据,无论存在哪儿。

