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selenium webdriver学习(十二)-怎么利用selenium-webdriver截图

selenium webdriver学习(十二)------------如何利用selenium-webdriver截图在自动化测试中常常会用到截图

selenium webdriver学习(十二)------------如何利用selenium-webdriver截图




  /**   * Capture the screenshot and store it in the specified location.   *   * <p>For WebDriver extending TakesScreenshot, this makes a best effort   * depending on the browser to return the following in order of preference:   * <ul>   *   <li>Entire page</li>   *   <li>Current window</li>   *   <li>Visible portion of the current frame</li>   *   <li>The screenshot of the entire display containing the browser</li>   * </ul>   *   * <p>For WebElement extending TakesScreenshot, this makes a best effort   * depending on the browser to return the following in order of preference:   *   - The entire content of the HTML element   *   - The visisble portion of the HTML element   *   * @param <X> Return type for getScreenshotAs.   * @param target target type, @see OutputType   * @return Object in which is stored information about the screenshot.   * @throws WebDriverException on failure.   */


selenium-webdriver 面向接口编程,找一个需要的功能还真是挺难的。
