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python FTP 上载全文件

python FTP 下载全文件搭了一个ftp站点,没想到的是利用客户端的时候,服务器当掉了,于是自己写了一个下载ft

python FTP 下载全文件




#/usr/bin/env python  import ftplib, sys, oslocal_root = '/home/calvin/learn/tsace'host = 'localhost'username = 'jesse'passewd = '123456'f = FalsewriteFile = lambda filename: open(filename, 'w').writegetcwd = lambda curwd: curwd == '/' and '/' or (curwd + '/')createDir = lambda dirname: not os.path.exists(dirname) and os.mkdir(dirname)def isDirectory(filename):    try:        f.cwd(filename)        createDir(local_root+filename)        return True    except:        return Falsedef recursiveDownload(filelist, curpwd):    global local_root    map(lambda file: isDirectory(getcwd(curpwd) + file) and [recursiveDownload(f.nlst(), f.pwd())] or f.retrlines('RETR '+ (getcwd(curpwd) + file), writeFile(local_root + getcwd(curpwd) + file)), filelist)if __name__ == '__main__':    f = ftplib.FTP(host)    resp = f.login(username, passewd)    recursiveDownload(f.nlst(), f.pwd());    f.quit()
