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问个存储过程的小问题在存储过程里面建立了个表 @table,然后写了一个@sql,就是一个执行语句,然后 exec(@sq

在存储过程里面建立了个表 @table,然后写了一个@sql,就是一个执行语句,
然后 exec(@sql),结果报错,说@table为声明。。。。



SQL code
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spInventoryAge]    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here    @whID int = 0 ,    @ageOne smallint =30,    @ageTwo smallint =60,    @ageThree smallint =90ASBEGIN    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from    -- interfering with SELECT statements.    SET NOCOUNT ON;    -- Insert statements for procedure here    create table #inventoryAge     (        whID int,        whName nvarchar(30),        placeID smallint,        placeName nvarchar(30),        resourceID int,        resourceName nvarchar(198),        quantity decimal(18,4),        ageStage1 decimal(18,4),        ageStage2 decimal(18,4),        ageStage3 decimal(18,4),        ageStage4 decimal(18,4)    )        create table #MaterialAge     (        resourceID int,        resourceName nvarchar(198),        quantity decimal(18,4),        ageStage smallint    )        declare @currentDate datetime    set @currentDate=GETDATE()        insert into #inventoryAge        select I.whID,w.whName,I.placeID,I.placeName,I.resourceID,I.resourceName,               I.quantity,0,0,0,0        from dbo.vwInventory as I inner join             dbo.Warehouse as W on I.whID=W.whID        insert into #MaterialAge        select EI.resourceID,EI.resourceName,sum(EI.quantity) as quantity,EI.ageStage        from         (                select                        WI.resourceID,WI.resourceName,wi.quantity,                      case when @currentDate-W.entryDate<@ageOne then 1                     when @currentDate-W.entryDate<@ageTwo then 2                     when @currentDate-W.entryDate<@ageThree then 3                     else 4  end as ageStage                 from                         dbo.vwWarehouseEntryItem as WI inner join                     dbo.WarehouseEntry as W ON W.entryID=WI.entryID        ) EI        group by EI.resourceID,EI.resourceName,EI.ageStage        declare @updateSql varchar(max)                 set @updateSql='';    select @updateSql=@updateSql+' ageStage'+LTRIM(M.ageStage)           +'=max(case when ageStage='+LTRIM(M.ageStage)+' then quantity else 0 end)'        from @MaterialAge as M group by M.ageStage    --打印出来看看       print @updateSql    exec('update @#inventoryAge set '+@updateSql+'           from @MaterialAge group by resourceID,resourceName')    set nocount off; 
