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双向链表实现创建与修改,并文件读入读出//求修改,谢谢!C/C++ code#include iostream#include string#i


C/C++ code
#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <cstring>#include <fstream>using namespace std;struct table{    table(){};    table(int id_t,char* name_t,int age_t,table* next_t,table* prev_t):        id(id_t),name(name_t),age(age_t),next(NULL),prev(NULL){}    int id;    char* name;    int age;    table* next;    table* prev;};void ofRead(char* file,table* head)//写入文件函数实现{    ofstream of(file);    of.seekp(0,ios::beg);    table* cur=head;    do{        of<<cur->id<<' '<<cur->name<<' '<<cur->age<<' ';        cur=cur->next;    }while(cur==NULL);    of.close();}void Create()//创建链表并写入文件{    table* head=NULL,*tail=NULL,*memory=NULL;    string str("Yes");    char choice[4]="";    do{        int id,age;        char* name=NULL;        cout<<"input new student on the table.txt"<<endl;        cout<<"input the student's id,name,and age:"<<endl;        cin>>id>>age>>name;        memory= new table(id,age,name);        if(head==NULL&&tail==NULL)        {            head=memory;            tail=memory;        }        else        {            tail->next=memory;            memory->prev=tail;            tail=memory;        }        printf("choose Y to go ahead,choose N to quit:");        cout.flush();        cin>>choice;    }while(str==choice);    ofRead("c:\\table.txt",head);}table* ifWrite(char* file)//读出文件函数实现{    static table* head=NULL,*memory=NULL;//静态存储    table* cur=NULL,*tail=NULL;//放弃尾指针    ifstream iff(file);    iff.seekg(0,ios::beg);    char str[8]="";    int count=0;    while(iff.getline(str,sizeof(str),' '))//读出操作与存入链表中        if(++count==1)        {            memory = new table;            if(head==NULL&&tail==NULL)            {                head=memory;                tail=memory;                memory->id=(int)str;            }            else            {                tail->next=memory;                memory->prev=tail;                tail=memory;                memory->id=(int)str;            }        }        else if(count==2)        {            memory->name=str;        }        else if(count==3)        {            memory->age=(int)str;            count=0;        }    iff.close();    return head;}void revise(table* head,char* fname)//修改完毕并存入文件中{    cout<<"input student's id that you want to midfy"<<endl;    int id_modfiy;    table* cur=head;    while(cur!=NULL)    {        if(cur->id==id_modfiy)        {            cout<<"1.Do you want to modify the student's id"                <<"2.Do you want to modify the student's name"                <<"3.Do you want to modify the student's age"                <<"4.Do you want to modify the student's whole information"                <<endl;            int choice;            cin>>choice;            switch(choice)            {                case 1:cin>>cur->id;break;                case 2:cin>>cur->name;break;                case 3:cin>>cur->age;break;                case 4:cin>>cur->id>>cur->name>>cur->age;break;            }        }        cur=cur->next;    }    ofRead(fname,head);}int main(){    Create();    cout<<"Do you want to modify the student information?(yes or no)"<<endl;    string str("yes");    char choice[4]="";    cin>>choice;    if(str==choice)//选择是否文件读出与修改    {        char fname[10]="";        cout<<"input student's information table file name"<<endl;        cin>>fname;        table* head=ifWrite(fname);        revise(head,fname);    }    if(strcmp(choice,"no")==0)    {        cout<<"your operaion complete."<<endl;    }} 

memory= new table(id,age,name);//你没 构造有3 个参数的构造函数啊。。。
