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小弟在网上下了个blog程序,mysql建库时报错:Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers al

小弟在网上下了个blog程序,mysql建库时报错:Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers alread

小弟在网上下了个blog程序,mysql建库时报错:Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ....
Warning:   Cannot   modify   header   information   -   headers   already   sent   by   (output   started   at   C:\www\wp-admin\setup-config.php:23)   in   C:\www\wp-includes\wp-db.php   on   line   373

Error   establishing   a   database   connection
This   either   means   that   the   username   and   password   information   in   your   wp-config.php   file   is   incorrect   or   we   can 't   contact   the   database   server   at   localhost.   This   could   mean   your   host 's   database   server   is   down.

往往造成的原因就是 你可能在某些文件上在 php体外部增加了空格,回车,什么的。

更新一下用户密码 就可以了撒
SET PASSWORD FOr root@localhost = OLD_PASSWORD( '你的密码 ');
