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Find References is not available because the symbol is unrecognized.解决方法

Find References is not available because the symbol is unrecognized.---------------------------Visu

Find References is not available because the symbol is unrecognized.
Visual Assist X
Find References is not available because the symbol is unrecognized.




Build 1810
 requires software maintenance through 2010.01.22 (Beta release.) 
Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 version VS2010-specific notes 
New! Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. 
New! Find References and Rename act on base class references. (case=3346) 8817, 8595, 8477, 8235, 7422, 7057, 6959, 5976, 5555, 5533 
New! Open File in Solution filters out duplicate files referenced in multiple projects by default. (case=33201) 9056 
New! Copy All command added to Find References results. (case=33532) 9073 
Added default keybindings for Rename (Alt+shift+R), Find References (Alt+Shift+F), Create From Usage (Alt+Shift+C) and Refactor menu (Alt+Shift+Q). (case=36340) 
Fixed Visual Studio 2008 hang on 64-bit Vista with top-down memory allocation set. (case=23618) 
Fixed crash when deleting text from a very large VA Snippet entry. (case=36106) 9160 
Eliminated rare CPU spin that could occur when Change Signature was invoked while a VA View tooltip was visible. (case=30326) 8952 
Fixed listbox memory leak. (case=35543) 9084 
Fixed issue in which matching braces were not highlighted when keywords were set to bold via Tools | Options | Fonts and Colors. (case=611) 
Fixed issue in which deleting a block of text selected with the keyboard in column mode also deleted an adjacent brace when brace highlighting was active. (case=34166) 
Changes to projects and property sheets are picked up by VA independently of the VA Options | Performance | "Watch for externally modified files and reparse when necessary" setting. (case=38330) 
Add Include places #include directives after #pragma once if applicable. (case=29480) 9117, 8862 
Add Include on std::string inserts an include directive for <string> instead of <xstring>. (case=31895) 
Create from Usage infers type double for undeclared variable assigned to a numeric literal containing a decimal. (case=31924) 
Create from Usage defaults to placeholder "UnknownType" instead of blank when the type cannot be inferred. (case=32084) 8998 
Create from Usage infers the correct type for parameters cast with static_cast, const_cast, dynamic_cast, and type coercion. (case=31478) 
Improved accuracy of the default method signature provided by Create from Usage for certain patterns. (case=32269) 9048 
Fixed issue in which Create from Usage stuffed an enum definition into the wrong position in VC6. (case=31810) 
Scoped Suggestions are offered for C# class member definitions having internal visibility. (case=34623) 
Scoped Suggestions are no longer offered following += for C# event handlers to avoid conflict with the default IDE behavior. (case=35828) 
Fixed incorrect Scoped Suggestions offered after the -> operator and if() conditional. (case=33484, case=34467) 
The correct return type is suggested following the Return statement in VB. (case=37765) 
Fixed problem in which clicking on a Quick Info tooltip for an overloaded method caused it to scroll rapidly through the method signatures. (case=32265) 9293, 9081 
Corrected Open Corresponding File (Alt+O) issue related to base filenames ending in "exp". (case=32515) 9025 
Triggering the refactor menu via a bound keystroke correctly targets a symbol when the text caret is at the start of the symbol. (case=6820) 9157, 6299 

Addressed compatibility problem in which both Visual Assist X and Resharper were inserting closing parentheses automatically, resulting in extraneous parentheses. (case=34591) 
Accepting a VA Snippet after typing more than the shortcut no longer results in bad completions like "retureturn". (case=35091) 
Added refactoring snippet $generatedPropertyName$ to specify lowercase first letter for generated property names. (case=35316) 8304 
Fixed problem completing a symbol with '(' following keywords new or virtual. (case=35617) 9139 
Fixed problem in which local variables in a C/C++ method decorated with the __success header annotation macro were underlined as mistyped symbols. (case=32685) 9044 
Fixed listbox vertical position problem caused by not taking into account the editor font size. (case=37097) 
Improved IntelliSense support for ImgSource and ISEffects libraries. (case=37158) 9198 
Reduced Quick Info tooltip flicker caused by slight mouse movements. (case=37468) 
AFX exported/imported classes are parsed properly. (case=37844) 
Added workaround for VS2008 issue that caused a user option to be reset to its default value when installing or upgrading Visual Assist X. (case=31894) 9067, 8987 
Spell Check for plain text files is available regardless of the order in which solution files were opened. (case=36834) 9178 
Corrected indentation problem when Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | IntelliSense | "Add new line on commit with enter at end of fully typed word" is enabled . (case=25252) 
Move Implementation to Source no longer expands environment variables unexpectedly. (case=37970) 9286 
Fixed issue in which performing an incremental search in a system source file inadvertently removed that file's contents from VA's internal symbol database. (case=36103) 
Fixed problem with Find References on forward-declared symbols implemented outside the header file in which they were declared. (case=18883) 7998 
Corrected wrong icon displaying for some Find References results. (case=4442) 7880, 5831 

Replaced "Please place the caret on a symbol before running Find References." message with the less indicting "[color=#0000FF]Find References is not available because the symbol is unrecognized." (case=38201) 9289 [/color]

Suggestions have been restored for #define/#if/#ifdef/#ifndef preprocessor directives (fixes regression in 1721). (case=32089)
