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依然是Result consisted of more than one row,小弟我要哭了

依然是Result consisted of more than one row,我要哭了错误出现在这段代码里面,这是一个存储过程的片段,

依然是Result consisted of more than one row,我要哭了

SQL code
IF ClassID=-1 THEN      begin        DECLARE  X int;        DECLARE done int;        DECLARE t_cursor cursor for SELECT ID From TopWinCMS_Class where ParentID=0 and IsShowInIndex=1 and LinkUrl =N'' and `ModelID` = ModelID order by `RootID` limit 1;        declare continue handler FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1;         SET @SQL='';        SET done = 0;        open t_cursor;        while done = 0 do        begin            fetch  t_cursor into X;            SET @SQL=concat('select ID,ModelID,ClassID,ClassName,ContentTitle,Hits,'''' as Content,ColorStyle,FontStyle,UpdateTime,TemplateFileName from VW_',TableName,' where deleted=0 and Pass=1 and ClassID in (',Get_ClassIDs(X),') limit ',TOP);             PREPARE stmt1 FROM @SQL;            EXECUTE stmt1;             DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt1;        end;        end while;        close t_cursor;    end;END IF;

C# code
delimiter $$drop function if exists Get_ClassIDs;CREATE FUNCTION Get_ClassIDs(iid int)   RETURNS VARCHAR(8000)BEGINDECLARE IDs VARCHAR(255);DECLARE PPt VARCHAR(255);Select concat(`Path`,'%') into PPt FROM TopWinCMS_Class where `ID`=iid;set @IDs='';select concat(@IDs,`ID`,',') into @IDs from TopWinCMS_Class where Path Like  PPt;IF LENGTH(@IDs)>0 THEN set @IDs=left(@IDs,lenth(@IDs)-1);ELSE set @IDs='0';end if;return @IDs;end$$

Select concat(`Path`,'%') into PPt FROM TopWinCMS_Class where `ID`=iid;
select concat(@IDs,`ID`,',') into @IDs from TopWinCMS_Class where Path Like PPt;

Select concat(`Path`,'%') into PPt FROM TopWinCMS_Class where `ID`=iid;
select concat(@IDs,`ID`,',') into @IDs from TopWinCMS_Class where Path Like PPt;
