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一个奇怪的sql问题SQL codeselect distinct a.measurePointRowId MEASUREPOINTROWID,a.measurePointName M


SQL code
select distinct a.measurePointRowId MEASUREPOINTROWID,                a.measurePointName MEASUREPOINTNAME,                b.linename LINENAME,                a.consumerRowId,                a.consumerName CONSUMERNAME,                a.totalratedpower TOTALRATEDPOWER,                b.jltype JLTYPE,                c.cnt CNT,                isnull(d.overcnt, 0) OVERCNT,                cc.fzlfz FZLFZ  from (select distinct measurePointRowId,                        measurePointName,                        consumerRowId,                        consumerName,                        totalratedpower          from hz_zdfzl_v200911         where datadate >= '2009-11-01'           and datadate < '2009-12-06'        union        select distinct measurePointRowId,                        measurePointName,                        consumerRowId,                        consumerName,                        totalratedpower          from hz_zdfzl_v200912         where datadate >= '2009-11-01'           and datadate < '2009-12-06') a inner join (select distinct dbid, linename, 6003 jltype               from oj_group_dkh a              where a.gdjid = 5000532             union             select distinct dbid, linename, 8003 jltype               from oj_group_pw a              where a.gdjid = 5000532) b on b.dbid = a.measurePointRowId  left join sys_gdzlhreshold cc on cc.oi_idf = b.dbid  left join (select measurePointRowId, count(*) cnt               from (select *                       from hz_zdfzl_v200911                      where datadate >= '2009-11-01'                        and datadate < '2009-12-06') a              group by a.measurePointRowId             union             select measurePointRowId, count(*) cnt               from (select *                       from hz_zdfzl_v200912                      where datadate >= '2009-11-01'                        and datadate < '2009-12-06') b              group by b.measurePointRowId) c on c.measurePointRowId =                                                 b.dbid  left join (select measurePointRowId, count(*) overcnt               from (select *                       from hz_zdfzl_v200911 a                       left join sys_gdzlhreshold b on a.measurePointRowId =                                                       b.oi_idf                      where a.fzl > b.fzlfz                        and datadate >= '2009-11-01'                        and datadate < '2009-12-06') a              group by a.measurePointRowId             union                          select measurePointRowId, count(*) overcnt               from (select *                       from hz_zdfzl_v200912 a                       left join sys_gdzlhreshold b on a.measurePointRowId =                                                       b.oi_idf                      where a.fzl > b.fzlfz                        and datadate >= '2009-11-01'                        and datadate < '2009-12-06') b              group by b.measurePointRowId) d on d.measurePointRowId =                                                 b.dbid


09:12:38.937DBMS192.168.100.110 -- Error: Number (11040) Severity (16) State (1) Server (SYBASE) Adaptive Server cannot perform the requested action because column 'measurePointRowId' is not within the scope of the joined table expression. Check your command for missing or incorrect database objects, variable names, and/or input data.



union 两端的字段数不一致啊
