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 Publishing data using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) conveys a number of benefits relative to ‘vanilla’XML: it lowers the barriers to data reuse by third parties, makes data accessible via a standard query language (SPARQL ),eases the integration of data from different sources, and allows machine-readable links to be created between data sources. Integrating XML data from different sources into one document requires that all data conform to the same schema. In practice,much XML data from Web2.0 APIs is integrated at the level of programme code (at great cost in terms of development effort)and only republished in HTML, thereby hindering its reuse.RDF does not suffer these limitations; data can be arbitrarily combined into one document without this document needing to validate against a specific schema. Statements can be made anywhere on theWeb about a particular resource; different statements may reference the same URI, or use different URIs but state that both identify the same resource.
  Whilst an XML Schema may define a <uri></uri> element to be populated with the URI of some item, the semantics of this relationship are not explicit. Consequently, and in contrast to RDF, machines cannot infer links between data based on such elements. This situation is analogous to enclosing a URL in <span></span> tags within an HTML document (without using anchor tags <a href=“”></a>) and expecting applications to interpret this string as a link.
  Initiatives such as DBpedia and the broader Linking Open Data project are bootstrapping the Semantic Web, primarily by transforming to RDF and interlinking large, existing data sets. These initiatives are of great value in providing a base level of linked RDF data on the Web. However, few mechanisms currently exist that allownon-specialist users to contribute to the Semantic Web. This is in stark contrast to both the conventional Web and Web2.0. Early growth of the Web is widely attributed to individuals creating personal sites by copying and pasting HTML code. Whilst this approach may not be appropriate to a Semantic Web (novice users may not understand the semantics of statements contained in copied code), Web2.0 applications have demonstrated that regular users can contribute content without specialist skills. With few exceptions, similar tools enabling grassroots publishing on the Semantic Web are not currently available. Revyu is one exception.
  In an evaluation of Semantic Web applications deployed to members of the SemanticWeb community it was found that the usability of applications hindered their uptake, even by those knowledgeable in the field. Consequently the usage of these tools to create semantic annotations was relatively low. In the light of these findings, tools that make semantic annotation accessible to non-specialist and specialist alike are required if the Semantic Web is to see the degree of user engagement enjoyed by previous generations of the Web.

