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C/C++ code
/*****BMP.h*****/#include <fstream>#include <Windows.h>#define N 384using namespace std;typedef struct {   WORD bfType;                 /* Magic identifier            */   DWORD bfSize;                       /* File size in bytes          */   WORD bfReserved1;   WORD bfReserved2;   DWORD bfOffBits;                     /* Offset to image data, bytes */} HEADER;typedef struct {   DWORD biSize;               /* Header size in bytes      */   LONG biWidth;                /* Width and height of image */   LONG biHeight;   WORD biPlanes;       /* Number of colour planes   */   WORD biBitCount;         /* Bits per pixel            */   DWORD biCompression;        /* Compression type          */   DWORD biSizeImage;          /* Image size in bytes       */   LONG biXPelsPerMeter;     /* Pixels per meter          */   LONG biYPelsPerMeter;   DWORD biClrUsed;           /* Number of colours         */   DWORD biClrImportant;   /* Important colours         */} INFOHEADER;

C/C++ code
#include "BMP.h"HEADER bmfh;        //bitmap file headerINFOHEADER bmih;    //bitmap info headerBYTE R[N][N], G[N][N], B[N][N];                        //RGB value of every pixelCOLORREF color[N][N];    //colorextern "C" WINBASEAPI HWND WINAPI GetConsoleWindow ();    //initialize the screenvoid ReadBmp(char *BmpFileName);void GetColor(int i, int j);void main(){    HWND hwnd;    //handlers HWND and HDC    HDC hdc;    char BmpFileName[10];    int i, j;        hwnd = GetConsoleWindow();    //initialize the screen    hdc = GetDC(hwnd);      scanf("%s", BmpFileName);    ReadBmp(BmpFileName);    //read the BMP file    for(i = 0; i < bmih.biHeight; i++)        for(j = 0; j < bmih.biWidth; j++)            SetPixel(hdc, i, j, color[bmih.biWidth - j][i]);    //draw the BMP image    ReleaseDC(hwnd,hdc);}void ReadBmp(char *BmpFileName)        //read the BMP file{    int patch;    //number of 0s for complement in every row    ifstream in(BmpFileName, ios_base::binary);        //open the BMP file    in.read((char *)(&bmfh), sizeof(bmfh) - 2);        //read in BITMAPFILEHEADER. Here sizeof returns a value larger than struct size, so "-2"    if(bmfh.bfType != 0x4d42)                        //if not BMP, exit    {        printf("File type is not BMP!\n");        exit(1);    }    in.read((char *)(&bmih),sizeof(bmih));        //read in BITMAPINFOHEADER    in.seekg(bmfh.bfOffBits, ios_base::beg);    //seek bitmap data    patch = (4 - (bmih.biWidth * 3) % 4) % 4;    //calculate number of 0s for complement in every row    for(int i = 0; i < abs(bmih.biHeight); i++)        {        for(int j = 0; j < abs(bmih.biWidth); j++)        {            in.read((char *)(&R[i][j]), 1);        //read in data pixel by pixel            in.read((char *)(&G[i][j]), 1);            in.read((char *)(&B[i][j]), 1);            GetColor(i, j);        //obtain the original and greyscaled color        }        in.seekg(patch, ios_base::cur);    //skip 0s for complement in every row    }}void GetColor(int i, int j)        //obtain the original and greyscaled color{    int iB, iG, iR;    iB = (int)(B[i][j]);    iG = (int)(G[i][j]);    iR = (int)(R[i][j]);    color[i][j] = RGB(iB, iG, iR);    //original color}

#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)


#pragma pack(pop)
