solaris, dlopen 加载动态库崩溃,请帮助分析谢谢
solaris, dlopen 加载动态库崩溃,
[1] _memcpy(0xfdae00, 0x1004000, 0x4a543b6d, 0x0, 0x4, 0xfffffffffffffff8), at 0x7fba0720
[2] std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__clone(0x7723750c, 0x0, 0x4a616e75, 0xf07b38, 0x7cf2125c, 0xf30cf0), at 0x7ccdaf60
[3] std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::reserve(0x7723750c, 0xe, 0xf30cf7, 0xf30cf8, 0xf30cf8, 0x0), at 0x7ccd51ac
[4] std::__copy<const char*,std::back_insert_iterator<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,int>(0xffbfefb8, 0x77236bd3, 0x77236bd4, 0xffbfefb4, 0xffbfefb3, 0x1), at 0x771f3360
[5] std::_Init_timeinfo(0x772373c8, 0x77236a94, 0x77237470, 0x77236bcc, 0xe, 0x77232cc8), at 0x771f14a4
[6] std::_Locale_impl::make_classic_locale(0x772372d0, 0x772373b8, 0x77237470, 0x772375c0, 0x772375b4, 0x772375a8), at 0x771d8880
[7] std::locale::_S_initialize(0x1, 0x0, 0x77232cc8, 0x1a4, 0x599a0, 0x0), at 0x771d9344
[8] __SLIP.INIT_A(0x0, 0x29a350, 0x7a9a0000, 0x77212a68, 0xfffe7bd0, 0x772128a4), at 0x771beb68
[9] __STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR(0x0, 0x7aaeaf74, 0xfffdd7c0, 0x8, 0x13984, 0x7cf2125c), at 0x771bede4
[10] 0x77212994(0x0, 0x7faf1f30, 0x30, 0x7fb01fe8, 0x20000000, 0x40000000), at 0x77212994
[11] call_init(0x400000, 0x80000, 0x7fbee7c4, 0x7faf1558, 0xffffffff, 0x0), at 0x7fbc0254
[12] dlmopen_intn(0x7fbee0c4, 0xfff610, 0xd02, 0x7fb50d80, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x7fbc56d4
[13] dlmopen_check(0x7fbee0c4, 0xfff610, 0x102, 0x7fb50d80, 0xffbff33c, 0x0), at 0x7fbc5818
[14] _dlopen(0xfff610, 0x102, 0x29c6a9, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x7fbc58d4
=>[15] load_dynamic_library(), line 69 in "xxx.c"
其中 =>[15] load_dynamic_library(), line 69 in "xxx.c"
的 load_dynamic_library 是我写的函数, 其中运行到如下的语句就崩溃了
libc = dlopen("**.so",RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
我检查过 "**.so" 的路径是没有问题的,文件存在 ,
记得用 dlopen dlclose 之类的 应用程序 gcc 编译时 要加 一个编译选项 -rdynamic
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dlfcn.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { void *handle; double (*cosine)(double); char *error; handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY); if (!handle) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } dlerror(); /* Clear any existing error */ /* Writing: cosine = (double (*)(double)) dlsym(handle, "cos"); would seem more natural, but the C99 standard leaves casting from "void *" to a function pointer undefined. The assignment used below is the POSIX.1-2003 (Technical Corrigendum 1) workaround; see the Rationale for the POSIX specification of dlsym(). */ *(void **) (&cosine) = dlsym(handle, "cos"); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("%f\n", (*cosine)(2.0)); dlclose(handle); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }