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假如有一段字符串,要检测并取出以某些字符开始的某段指定的字符串,例如在下面这段文字中,要取出以“If you”开始的那句话“If you are not making progress”,这个功能的AS怎么写?

Be yourself. Work toward a goal that you can achieve with your body. Don't try to change your basic shape or to go against your own unique physical capabilities. Take an objective look at yourself, then work toward enhancing what you've got rather than trying to attain someone else's body.

Do your research. If you are not making progress, ask a qualified personal trainer to analyze your routine and your goals. Read health and fitness magazines. There's tons of great fitness information out there tailor it to fit you.


JScript code
var st:String = 你的文本var reg:RegExp = /If you .*,/trace(reg.exec(st))
JScript code
var xx:XML=<test>Be yourself. Work toward a goal that you can achieve with your body. Don't try to change your basic shape or to go against your own unique physical capabilities. Take an objective look at yourself, then work toward enhancing what you've got rather than trying to attain someone else's body.Do your research. If you are not making progress 1, ask a qualified personal trainer to analyze your routine and your goals. Read health and fitness magazines. There's tons of great fitness information out there tailor it to fit you.Be yourself. Work toward a goal that you can achieve with your body. Don't try to change your basic shape or to go against your own unique physical capabilities. Take an objective look at yourself, then work toward enhancing what you've got rather than trying to attain someone else's body.Do your research. If you are not making progress 2, ask a qualified personal trainer to analyze your routine and your goals. Read health and fitness magazines. There's tons of great fitness information out there tailor it to fit you.Be yourself. Work toward a goal that you can achieve with your body. Don't try to change your basic shape or to go against your own unique physical capabilities. Take an objective look at yourself, then work toward enhancing what you've got rather than trying to attain someone else's body.Do your research. If you are not making progress 3, ask a qualified personal trainer to analyze your routine and your goals. Read health and fitness magazines. There's tons of great fitness information out there tailor it to fit you.Be yourself. Work toward a goal that you can achieve with your body. Don't try to change your basic shape or to go against your own unique physical capabilities. Take an objective look at yourself, then work toward enhancing what you've got rather than trying to attain someone else's body.Do your research. If you are not making progress 4, ask a qualified personal trainer to analyze your routine and your goals. Read health and fitness magazines. There's tons of great fitness information out there tailor it to fit you.</test>;var str:String=xx.toString();var re:RegExp=/If you [\w\s]*/gi;var o:Object;while((o=re.exec(str))!=null){    trace(o);} 
