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Discovered   patterns   can   also   be   found   interesting   if   they   confirm   or   validate   a   hypothesis   sought   to   be   confirmed   or   unexpectedly   contradict   a   common   belief.   This   brings   the   issue   of   describing   what   is   interesting   to   discover,   such   as   meta-rule   guided   discovery   that   describes   forms   of   rules   before   the   discovery   process,   and   interestingness   refinement   languages   that   interactively   query   the   results   for   interesting   patterns   after   the   discovery   phase.   Typically,   measurements   for   interestingness   are   based   on   thresholds   set   by   the   user.   These   thresholds   define   the   completeness   of   the   patterns   discovered.  
Identifying   and   measuring   the   interestingness   of   patterns   and   rules   discovered,   or   to   be   discovered,   is   essential   for   the   evaluation   of   the   mined   knowledge   and   the   KDD   process   as   a   whole.   While   some   concrete   measurements   exist,   assessing   the   interestingness   of   discovered   knowledge   is   still   an   important   research   issue.  

如果发现模式证明一个假设是正确的,而这个假设正是人们尝试去证明的,或是不经意与常识相违背的,那么发现模式就是有趣的。这也同样带来了一个问题--什么是令人感兴趣的发现。比如在发现规则之前描述规则的meta-rule,还有在发现规则之后查询令人感兴趣的模式的 interestingness refinement。很典型的方法是,由用户设置衡量兴趣度的阈值。这些阈值规定了模式发现的复杂性。

注:其中meta-rule 和interestingness refinement languages 都是规则或模式,是很专业的词汇,我不便翻译。
