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#   An   unexpected   error   has   been   detected   by   HotSpot   Virtual   Machine:
#     EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION   (0xc0000005)   at   pc=0x08074aaf,   pid=3492,   tid=4020
#   Java   VM:   Java   HotSpot(TM)   Client   VM   (1.4.2_10-b03   mixed   mode)
#   Problematic   frame:
#   V     [jvm.dll+0x74aaf]

---------------     T   H   R   E   A   D     ---------------

Current   thread   (0x00822710):     JavaThread   "main "   [_thread_in_vm,   id=4020]

siginfo:   ExceptionCode=0xc0000005,   reading   address   0x00000000

EAX=0x00000000,   EBX=0x143b0ab0,   ECX=0x0000deab,   EDX=0x008227ac
ESP=0x0006f970,   EBP=0x0006f990,   ESI=0x00822710,   EDI=0x00822710
EIP=0x08074aaf,   EFLAGS=0x00010246

Top   of   Stack:   (sp=0x0006f970)
0x0006f970:     00822710   00000006   00000000   008227ac
0x0006f980:     00822710   143b0af8   143b0ab0   00822710
0x0006f990:     0006f9e0   073610e5   008227ac   00000000
0x0006f9a0:     07366058   00822710   00822710   143b053d
0x0006f9b0:     00000000   0084e510   00000000   00000032
0x0006f9c0:     00823c18   00822710   00831b60   80000000
0x0006f9d0:     00831b64   00000022   0006fa10   00ba80a0
0x0006f9e0:     0006fa10   00ba81a6   008227ac   0006fa24  

Instructions:   (pc=0x08074aaf)
0x08074a9f:     6a   00   6a   06   56   89   75   fc   e8   e4   88   fc   ff   8b   45   0c
0x08074aaf:     ff   30   e8   5e   db   ff   ff   8b   f8   8b   47   48   83   c7   08   83  

Stack:   [0x00030000,0x00070000),     sp=0x0006f970,     free   space=254k
Native   frames:   (J=compiled   Java   code,   j=interpreted,   Vv=VM   code,   C=native   code)
V     [jvm.dll+0x74aaf]
C     [Win32RegKey.dll+0x10e5]
j     org.register.Win32RegKey.getValue(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
j     org.register.VisitRegister.returnValue()Ljava/lang/String;+13
j     testapplication.App. <init> ()V+258
j     testapplication.App.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+3
v     ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V     [jvm.dll+0x71d74]
V     [jvm.dll+0xabc2f]
V     [jvm.dll+0x71c81]
V     [jvm.dll+0x77a7e]
V     [jvm.dll+0x786e3]
C     [javaw.exe+0x14c4]
C     [javaw.exe+0x2ee3]
C     [kernel32.dll+0x16fd7]

Java   frames:   (J=compiled   Java   code,   j=interpreted,   Vv=VM   code)
j     org.register.Win32RegKey.getValue(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
j     org.register.VisitRegister.returnValue()Ljava/lang/String;+13
j     testapplication.App. <init> ()V+258
j     testapplication.App.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+3
v     ~StubRoutines::call_stub

---------------     P   R   O   C   E   S   S     ---------------

Java   Threads:   (   =>   current   thread   )
    0x0084b520   JavaThread   "AWT-EventQueue-0 "   [_thread_blocked,   id=644]
    0x0084bbb0   JavaThread   "Java2D   Disposer "   daemon   [_thread_blocked,   id=2556]
    0x008461d0   JavaThread   "Image   Fetcher   0 "   daemon   [_thread_blocked,   id=1348]
    0x008454e0   JavaThread   "AWT-Windows "   daemon   [_thread_in_native,   id=3860]
    0x008457c0   JavaThread   "AWT-Shutdown "   [_thread_blocked,   id=2724]
    0x0082fe90   JavaThread   "CompilerThread0 "   daemon   [_thread_blocked,   id=3512]
    0x0082ed10   JavaThread   "Signal   Dispatcher "   daemon   [_thread_blocked,   id=1156]
    0x0082be50   JavaThread   "Finalizer "   daemon   [_thread_blocked,   id=3552]
    0x0082aac0   JavaThread   "Reference   Handler "   daemon   [_thread_blocked,   id=3420]
=> 0x00822710   JavaThread   "main "   [_thread_in_vm,   id=4020]

Other   Threads:
    0x00829d10   VMThread   [id=3708]
    0x00830630   WatcherThread   [id=388]

VM   state:not   at   safepoint   (normal   execution)

VM   Mutex/Monitor   currently   owned   by   a   thread:   None

def   new   generation     total   576K,   used   69K   [0x10010000,   0x100b0000,   0x104f0000)
    eden   space   512K,     0%   used   [0x10010000,   0x10011410,   0x10090000)
    from   space   64K,   100%   used   [0x10090000,   0x100a0000,   0x100a0000)
    to     space   64K,     0%   used   [0x100a0000,   0x100a0000,   0x100b0000)
tenured   generation     total   1408K,   used   248K   [0x104f0000,   0x10650000,   0x14010000)
    the   space   1408K,     17%   used   [0x104f0000,   0x1052e188,   0x1052e200,   0x10650000)
compacting   perm   gen     total   4096K,   used   3715K   [0x14010000,   0x14410000,   0x18010000)
    the   space   4096K,     90%   used   [0x14010000,   0x143b0e90,   0x143b1000,   0x14410000)

Dynamic   libraries:
0x00400000   -   0x0040b000           C:\Program   Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10\bin\javaw.exe
0x7c920000   -   0x7c9b4000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
0x7c800000   -   0x7c91c000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
0x77da0000   -   0x77e49000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
0x77e50000   -   0x77ee1000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
0x77d10000   -   0x77d9f000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
0x77ef0000   -   0x77f37000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
0x77be0000   -   0x77c38000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.dll

0x76300000   -   0x7631d000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL
0x62c20000   -   0x62c29000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\LPK.DLL
0x73fa0000   -   0x7400b000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll
0x08000000   -   0x0813e000           C:\Program   Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10\bin\client\jvm.dll
0x76b10000   -   0x76b3a000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll
0x10000000   -   0x10007000           C:\Program   Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10\bin\hpi.dll
0x76bc0000   -   0x76bcb000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL
0x003f0000   -   0x003fe000           C:\Program   Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10\bin\verify.dll
0x009a0000   -   0x009b9000           C:\Program   Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10\bin\java.dll
0x009c0000   -   0x009ce000           C:\Program   Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10\bin\zip.dll
0x02db0000   -   0x02ec3000           C:\Program   Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10\bin\awt.dll
0x72f70000   -   0x72f96000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
0x76990000   -   0x76acd000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
0x5adc0000   -   0x5adf7000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
0x03140000   -   0x03191000           C:\Program   Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_10\bin\fontmanager.dll
0x736d0000   -   0x73719000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll
0x73b30000   -   0x73b36000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
0x738b0000   -   0x73980000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\D3DIM700.DLL
0x74680000   -   0x746cb000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll
0x73640000   -   0x7366e000           C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime
0x07360000   -   0x07368000           E:\科研处\TestApplication\Win32RegKey.dll

VM   Arguments:
java_command:   testapplication.App
Launcher   Type:   SUN_STANDARD

Environment   Variables:
PATH=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_10\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program   Files\Microsoft   SQL   Server\80\Tools\BINN
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86   Family   15   Model   1   Stepping   3,   GenuineIntel

---------------     S   Y   S   T   E   M     ---------------

OS:   Windows   XP   Build   2600   Service   Pack   2

CPU:total   1   family   15,   cmov,   cx8,   fxsr,   mmx,   sse,   sse2

Memory:   4k   page,   physical   384496k(83224k   free),   swap   843164k(360620k   free)

vm_info:   Java   HotSpot(TM)   Client   VM   (1.4.2_10-b03)   for   windows-x86,   built   on   Oct   10   2005   14:53:46   by   "java_re "   with   MS   VC++   6.0



