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Private Sub Sell_mx()
Cell1.SetSheetLabel 0, "车单明细"
Cell1.SetCellString 1, 1, 0, "时间段售票情况车单明细表"
Cell1.SetCellFontStyle 1, 1, 0, 2
Cell1.SetCellFontSize 1, 1, 0, 15
Cell1.SetCellAlign 1, 1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetRowHeight 1, Cell1.GetRowBestHeight(1), 1, 0
Cell1.MergeCells 1, 1, 10, 1
Cell1.SetCellString 1, 2, 0, "船名:"
Cell1.MergeCells 1, 2, 10, 2
Cell1.SetCellFontStyle -1, 2, 0, 2
Cell1.SetRowHeight 1, 30, 2, 0
Cell1.SetCellString 1, 3, 0, "车型"
Cell1.SetCellString 2, 3, 0, "单元重量"
Cell1.SetCellString 3, 3, 0, "计费吨位"
Cell1.SetCellString 4, 3, 0, "船舶运费"
Cell1.SetCellString 5, 3, 0, "港口作业费"
Cell1.SetCellString 6, 3, 0, "港务费"
Cell1.SetCellString 7, 3, 0, "海峡管理"
Cell1.SetCellString 8, 3, 0, "调节资金"
Cell1.SetCellString 9, 3, 0, "总价"
Cell1.SetCellString 10, 3, 0, "售票时间"
Cell1.SetRowHeight 1, 30, 3, 0
Cell1.SetCellBackColor -1, 3, 0, Cell1.FindColorIndex(RGB(209, 228, 255), 1)
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 60, 1, 0
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 90, 2, 0
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 90, 3, 0
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 90, 4, 0
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 90, 5, 0
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 80, 6, 0
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 70, 7, 0
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 70, 8, 0
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 100, 9, 0
Cell1.SetColWidth 1, 160, 10, 0
Cell1.SetCellAlign 1, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetCellAlign 2, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetCellAlign 3, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetCellAlign 4, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetCellAlign 5, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetCellAlign 6, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetCellAlign 7, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetCellAlign 8, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetCellAlign 9, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetCellAlign 10, -1, 0, 32 + 4
Cell1.SetFixedRow 1, 3
sql = "select carclass.cz,mark.k06,mark.total_tran_wei,gkfy.gkf01,gkfy.gkf02,gkfy.gkf03,gkfy.gkf08,gkfy.gkf09,mark.k13," _
  & "mark.datef+mark.timef as selleddate,mark.carlength,mark.carwidth from mark " _
  & "left join gkfy on mark.lsxh=gkfy.lsxh and mark.datef=gkfy.datef " _
  & "left join carclass on carclass.cartype=substring(mark.cldm,2,1) " _
  & "where mark.datef+mark.timef between '" & DTPStar & "' and '" & DTPEnd & "' and tpqk=0" _
  & " Union all " _
  & "select carclass.cz,markbackup.k06,markbackup.total_tran_wei,gkfybackup.gkf01,gkfybackup.gkf02,gkfybackup.gkf03,gkfybackup.gkf08,gkfybackup.gkf09,markbackup.k13," _
  & "markbackup.datef+markbackup.timef as selleddate,markbackup.carlength,markbackup.carwidth from markbackup " _
  & "left join gkfybackup on markbackup.lsxh=gkfybackup.lsxh and markbackup.datef=gkfybackup.datef " _
  & "left join carclass on carclass.cartype=substring(markbackup.cldm,2,1) " _
  & "where markbackup.datef+markbackup.timef between '" & DTPStar & "' and '" & DTPEnd & "' and tpqk=0"
Set rst = cn.OpenResultset(sql, rdOpenStatic, rdConcurReadOnly)
If rst.RowCount > 46 Then
Cell1.SetRows rst.RowCount + 6, 0
End If
If Not rst.EOF Then
For i = 1 To rst.RowCount
Cell1.SetCellString 1, 3 + i, 0, Trim(rst!cz)
Cell1.SetCellString 2, 3 + i, 0, Trim(rst!k06)
Cell1.SetCellString 3, 3 + i, 0, Trim(rst!total_tran_wei)
Cell1.SetCellString 9, 3 + i, 0, Trim(rst!K13)
Cell1.SetCellString 10, 3 + i, 0, Trim(rst!SelledDate)
k06 = k06 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!k06)), 0, Trim(rst!k06)), 2)
total_tran_wei = total_tran_wei + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!total_tran_wei)), 0, Trim(rst!total_tran_wei)), 2)

If Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!carwidth)), 0, Trim(rst!carwidth)), 2) > 3.1 And Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!carlength)), 0, Trim(rst!carlength)), 2) > 18 Then
GKF01 = GKF01 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF01)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF01)), 2) * 2.5
GKF02 = GKF02 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF02)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF02)), 2) * 2.5
GKF03 = GKF03 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF03)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF03)), 2) * 2.5
GKF08 = GKF08 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF08)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF08)), 2) * 2.5
GKF09 = GKF09 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF09)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF09)), 2) * 2.5
Cell1.SetCellString 4, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF01)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF01)), 2) * 2.5)
Cell1.SetCellString 5, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF02)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF02)), 2) * 2.5)
Cell1.SetCellString 6, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF03)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF03)), 2) * 2.5)
Cell1.SetCellString 7, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF08)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF08)), 2) * 2.5)
Cell1.SetCellString 8, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF09)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF09)), 2) * 2.5)
  If Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!carwidth)), 0, Trim(rst!carwidth)), 2) > 3.1 And Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!carlength)), 0, Trim(rst!carlength)), 2) <= 18 Then
  GKF01 = GKF01 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF01)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF01)), 2) * 1.5
  GKF02 = GKF02 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF02)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF02)), 2) * 1.5
  GKF03 = GKF03 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF03)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF03)), 2) * 1.5
  GKF08 = GKF08 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF08)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF08)), 2) * 1.5
  GKF09 = GKF09 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF09)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF09)), 2) * 1.5
  Cell1.SetCellString 4, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF01)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF01)), 2) * 1.5)
  Cell1.SetCellString 5, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF02)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF02)), 2) * 1.5)
  Cell1.SetCellString 6, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF03)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF03)), 2) * 1.5)
  Cell1.SetCellString 7, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF08)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF08)), 2) * 1.5)
  Cell1.SetCellString 8, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF09)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF09)), 2) * 1.5)
  GKF01 = GKF01 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF01)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF01)), 2)
  GKF02 = GKF02 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF02)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF02)), 2)
  GKF03 = GKF03 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF03)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF03)), 2)
  GKF08 = GKF08 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF08)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF08)), 2)
  GKF09 = GKF09 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF09)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF09)), 2)
  Cell1.SetCellString 4, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF01)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF01)), 2))
  Cell1.SetCellString 5, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF02)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF02)), 2))
  Cell1.SetCellString 6, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF03)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF03)), 2))
  Cell1.SetCellString 7, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF08)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF08)), 2))
  Cell1.SetCellString 8, 3 + i, 0, Trim(Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!GKF09)), 0, Trim(rst!GKF09)), 2))
  End If
End If

K13 = K13 + Round(IIf(IsNull(Trim(rst!K13)), 0, Trim(rst!K13)), 2)
'Cell1.SetRowHeight 1, 30, 3 + i, 0
If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then
  Dim n4 As Integer
  For n4 = 1 To 10
  Cell1.SetCellBackColor n4, 3 + i, 0, Cell1.FindColorIndex(RGB(255, 255, 200), 1)
End If
Cell1.SetCellString 1, 3 + i, 0, "合计"
Cell1.SetCellString 2, 3 + i, 0, Round(k06, 2)
Cell1.SetCellString 3, 3 + i, 0, Round(total_tran_wei, 2)
Cell1.SetCellString 4, 3 + i, 0, Round(GKF01, 2)
Cell1.SetCellString 5, 3 + i, 0, Round(GKF02, 2)

Cell1.SetCellString 6, 3 + i, 0, Round(GKF03, 2)
Cell1.SetCellString 7, 3 + i, 0, Round(GKF08, 2)
Cell1.SetCellString 8, 3 + i, 0, Round(GKF09, 2)
Cell1.SetCellString 9, 3 + i, 0, Round(K13, 2)
Cell1.SetCellBackColor -1, 3 + i, 0, Cell1.FindColorIndex(RGB(209, 228, 255), 1)
Cell1.SetRowHeight 1, 30, 3 + i, 0
Cell1.SetCellFontStyle -1, 3 + i, 0, 2
cyf = Round(GKF01, 2)
zyf = Round(K13, 2)
countC = rst.RowCount
End If

Cell1.SetCellString 1, 2, 1, "从" & DTPStar & "到" & DTPEnd & ",车单数:" & countC & "张,客票数:" & countK & "张,船运费:" & cyf & "元,总运费:" & zyf & "元。"
Cell1.SetCellString 1, 2, 0, "从" & DTPStar & "到" & DTPEnd & ",车单数:" & countC & "张,客票数:" & countK & "张,船运费:" & cyf & "元,总运费:" & zyf & "元。"
Cell1.SetCurSheet 0
Cell1.MoveToCell 1, 1
End Sub

