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VB code
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)If WebBrowser1.LocationURL = "" Then              WebBrowser1.Document.Forms(0).TextBox1.Value = sh.Cells(i, 1)     '用户名       WebBrowser1.Document.Forms(0).TextBox2.Value = sh.Cells(i, 2)    '密码       j = (Int(Rnd * 10) + 3) * 1000       Sleep j       DoEvents       WebBrowser1.Document.Forms(0).Button1.Click                     '登录       i = i + 1End If  If WebBrowser1.LocationURL = "" Then  Dim s As Variant  s = pDisp.Document.documentElement.outerHTML  If InStr(s, "上午请签到") > 0 Then              '改为If InStr(s, "ImageButton1")也一样啊      j = (Int(Rnd * 10) + 5) * 1000       Sleep j                        '想延时一下等图片按钮好正常显示,但好象没用哦       DoEvents       On Error Resume Next    Set objDoc = WebBrowser1.Document    For k = 0 To objDoc.All.Length - 1    If objDoc.All(k).Name = "ImageButton1" Then            objDoc.All(k).Click               End If   End IfEnd If      End Sub

这个用Shell + Timer + Sendkeys可以实现
引用Microsoft Internet Controls

VB code
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()On Error Resume NextDim sWind     As ShellWindowsDim IE        As InternetExplorerSet sWind = New ShellWindowsFor Each IE In sWind    If IE.Busy = False Then        If LCase(Mid(IE.LocationURL, 1, 4)) <> "file" Then            '到这里IE就是Browser了              IE.Document.xxxxx'写你自己的代码就可以        End If    End IfNextEnd Sub
VB code
dim Wshell,ieSet Wshell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")Set ie=WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")ie.visible=trueie.navigate ""While ie.busydoeventsWendie.Document.Forms(0).TextBox1.Value = sh.Cells(i, 1)     '用户名ie.Document.Forms(0).TextBox2.Value = sh.Cells(i, 2)    '密码j = (Int(Rnd * 10) + 3) * 1000Sleep jDoEventsie.Document.Forms(0).Button1.Click                     '登录i = i + 1
VB code
'* ************************************** *'* 类名称:IEHooker'* 类功能:IE事件监控类'* 作者:lyserver'* 备注:需要引用Microsoft Internet Controls类库'* ************************************** *  Option Explicit  Dim WithEvents m_shWindows As ShellWindowsDim m_ieEvent() As IEEventDim m_nIeCount As Long  '- -----------------------------------' 过程说明:类初始化'- -----------------------------------Private Sub Class_Initialize()On Error Resume NextReleasemem    Dim objIE As InternetExplorer    If m_nIeCount < 0 Then m_nIeCount = 0    '加入已打开的IE对象到数组中    Set m_shWindows = New ShellWindows    For Each objIE In m_shWindows        If InStr(UCase(objIE.FullName), "\IEXPLORE.EXE") Then            ReDim Preserve m_ieEvent(m_nIeCount)            Set m_ieEvent(m_nIeCount) = New IEEvent            Set m_ieEvent(m_nIeCount).m_objIE = objIE            Set m_ieEvent(m_nIeCount).m_objDoc = objIE.Document            m_nIeCount = m_nIeCount + 1        End If    NextEnd Sub  '- -----------------------------------' 过程说明:类销毁'- -----------------------------------Private Sub Class_Terminate()On Error Resume NextReleasemem    Dim i As Long           '销毁数组    For i = 0 To m_nIeCount - 1        Set m_ieEvent(i) = Nothing    Next    Erase m_ieEventEnd Sub  '- -----------------------------------' 过程说明:IE窗口打开事件'- -----------------------------------Private Sub m_shWindows_WindowRegistered(ByVal lCookie As Long)On Error Resume Next    Releasemem    Dim objIE As InternetExplorer    If m_nIeCount < 0 Then m_nIeCount = 0    '加入将要打开的IE对象到数组中    Set objIE = m_shWindows(m_shWindows.Count - 1)    If InStr(UCase(objIE.FullName), "\IEXPLORE.EXE") = 0 Then Exit Sub    ReDim Preserve m_ieEvent(m_nIeCount)    Set m_ieEvent(m_nIeCount) = New IEEvent    Set m_ieEvent(m_nIeCount).m_objIE = objIE    m_nIeCount = m_nIeCount + 1End Sub  '- -----------------------------------' 过程说明:IE窗口关闭事件'- -----------------------------------Private Sub m_shWindows_WindowRevoked(ByVal lCookie As Long)On Error Resume Next    Releasemem    Dim i As Long    Dim blnFound As Boolean      '从数组中移出将要关闭的IE对象    For i = 0 To m_nIeCount - 1        If m_ieEvent(i).m_objIE Is Nothing Then blnFound = True        If blnFound Then            If i = m_nIeCount - 1 Then Exit For            Set m_ieEvent(i) = m_ieEvent(i + 1)        End If    Next    m_nIeCount = m_nIeCount - 1    If m_nIeCount > 0 Then ReDim Preserve m_ieEvent(m_nIeCount - 1)End Sub 

Sub test() 
Dim ie 
Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application") 
ie.Visible = True 
ie.navigate "http://werdfas.comjasd.com" 
While ie.busy Or ie.readystate <> 4 

While ie.document.title <> "登 录" 
While ie.busy Or ie.readystate <> 4 

ie.document.logform.u6name.Value = "460"

ie.document.logform.p6wd.Value = "366"

'Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.shell")
'ws.run "C:\Program Files\6.exe"

'set ws=nothing
set ie=nothing 
End Sub 

call test
