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id               name             groupid               lastdatetime
1                 aaa               001                       2007-03-06
2                 bbb               001                       2007-03-07
3                 ccc               001                       2007-03-05
4                 ddd               002                       2007-03-05
5                 eee               002                       2007-03-08

id               name             groupid               lastdatetime
2                 bbb               001                       2007-03-07
5                 eee               002                       2007-03-08

select t.* from 表 t where t.id=(select max(id) from 表 where name=t.name)
select * from tb a
where not exists(select * from tb where groupid=a.groupid and lastdatetime> a.lastdatetime)
select tb1.* from tb1,(select groupid,max(lastdatetime) from tb1) t where tb1.groupid=t.groupid and tb1.lastdatetime=t.lastdatetime;

Select *
From TableName A
Where lastdatetime = (Select Max(lastdatetime) From TableName Where name = A.name)
if object_id( 'pubs..tb ') is not null
drop table tb

create table tb
id int,
name varchar(10),
groupid varchar(10),
lastdatetime datetime

insert into tb(id,name,groupid,lastdatetime) values(1, 'aaa ', '001 ', '2007-03-06 ')
insert into tb(id,name,groupid,lastdatetime) values(2, 'bbb ', '001 ', '2007-03-07 ')
insert into tb(id,name,groupid,lastdatetime) values(3, 'ccc ', '001 ', '2007-03-05 ')
insert into tb(id,name,groupid,lastdatetime) values(4, 'ddd ', '002 ', '2007-03-05 ')
insert into tb(id,name,groupid,lastdatetime) values(5, 'eee ', '002 ', '2007-03-08 ')

select a.* from tb a,
(select groupid , max(lastdatetime) as lastdatetime from tb group by groupid) b
where a.groupid = b.groupid and a.lastdatetime = b.lastdatetime

drop table tb

id name groupid lastdatetime
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------
5 eee 002 2007-03-08 00:00:00.000
2 bbb 001 2007-03-07 00:00:00.000

(所影响的行数为 2 行)

select * from tb a
where not exists(select * from tb where groupid=a.groupid and lastdatetime> a.lastdatetime)
