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declare     @t     table(dt     varchar(30))    
insert     @t    
select     '2006-02-28     13:00:00.000 '     union     all    
select     '2005-03-32     13:00:00.000 '     union     all    
select     '2004-02-30     13:00:00.000 '     union     all    
select     '2003-17-36     13:70:00.000 '     union     all    
select     '2004-06-31     13:60:00.000 '     union     all    
select     '2000-02-28     13:00:77.000 '     union     all    
select     '2002-03-30 '    
SELECT     case        
                              when     convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=2         and     (convert(int,substring(dt,9,2))=28     or     convert(int,substring(dt,9,2))=29     )     and     ((convert(int,substring(dt,1,4))%100+convert(int,substring(dt,1,4))%4)> =1     or     convert(int,substring(dt,1,4))%400=0)    
                              then         stuff(dt,9,2, '28 ')        
              when         (convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=7     or     convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=8     or    
                                                      convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=10     or     convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=11     or    
                                                      convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=1     or     convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=3     or    
                                                      convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=5     )    
                              and         convert(int,substring(dt,9,2))> 31    
                          then         stuff(dt,9,2, '31 ')    
                                                  (convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=2     or     convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=4     or    

                                                      convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=6     or     convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=9     or    
                                                      convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))=12     )    
                                  and         convert(int,substring(dt,9,2))> =31        
          then         stuff(dt,9,2, '30 ')        
when         convert(int,substring(dt,6,2))> 12    
                              then         stuff(dt,6,2, '12 ')    
when         convert(int,substring(dt,12,2))> 24    
                              then         stuff(dt,12,2, '24 ')            
          when         convert(int,substring(dt,15,2))> 59    
                              then         stuff(dt,15,2, '59 ')    
                              when         convert(int,substring(dt,18,2))> 59    
                              then         stuff(dt,18,2, '59 ')    
FROM     @t    
order     by     dt


declare @t table(dt varchar(30))
insert @t
select '2006-02-28 13:00:00.000 ' union all
select '2005-03-32 13:00:00.000 ' union all
select '2004-02-30 13:00:00.000 ' union all
select '2003-17-36 13:70:00.000 ' union all
select '2004-06-31 13:60:00.000 ' union all
select '2000-02-28 13:00:77.000 ' union all
select '2002-03-30 '

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,6,2, '01 ')
where cast(substring(dt,6,2) as int) <1

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,6,2, '12 ')
where cast(substring(dt,6,2) as int) > 12

while exists (select 1 from @t where isdate(substring(dt,1,10)) <> 1)
update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,9,2,cast(cast(substring(dt,9,2) as int)-1 as varchar))
where isdate(substring(dt,1,10)) <> 1

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,12,2, '01 ')

where len(dt)> 10
and cast(substring(dt,12,2) as int) <1

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,12,2, '23 ')
where len(dt)> 10
and cast(substring(dt,12,2) as int) > 23

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,15,2, '01 ')
where len(dt)> 10
and cast(substring(dt,15,2) as int) <1

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,15,2, '59 ')
where len(dt)> 10
and cast(substring(dt,15,2) as int) > 59

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,18,2, '01 ')
where len(dt)> 10
and cast(substring(dt,18,2) as int) <1

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,18,2, '59 ')
where len(dt)> 10
and cast(substring(dt,18,2) as int) > 59

select * from @t

2006-02-28 13:01:00.000
2005-03-31 13:01:00.000
2004-02-29 13:01:00.000
2003-12-31 13:59:00.000
2004-06-30 13:59:00.000
2000-02-28 13:01:77.000

(所影响的行数为 7 行)


declare @t table(dt varchar(30))
insert @t
select '2006-02-28 13:00:00.000 ' union all
select '2005-03-32 13:00:00.000 ' union all
select '2004-02-30 13:00:00.000 ' union all
select '2003-17-36 13:70:00.000 ' union all
select '2004-06-31 13:60:00.000 ' union all
select '2000-02-28 13:00:77.000 ' union all
select '2002-03-30 '

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,6,2, '01 ')
where cast(substring(dt,6,2) as int) <1

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,6,2, '12 ')
where cast(substring(dt,6,2) as int) > 12

while exists (select 1 from @t where isdate(substring(dt,1,10)) <> 1)
update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,9,2,cast(cast(substring(dt,9,2) as int)-1 as varchar))
where isdate(substring(dt,1,10)) <> 1

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,12,2, '23 ')
where len(dt)> 10
and cast(substring(dt,12,2) as int) > 23

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,15,2, '59 ')
where len(dt)> 10
and cast(substring(dt,15,2) as int) > 59

update @t
set dt=stuff(dt,18,2, '59 ')
where len(dt)> 10
and cast(substring(dt,18,2) as int) > 59

select * from @t


2006-02-28 13:00:00.000
2005-03-31 13:00:00.000
2004-02-29 13:00:00.000
2003-12-31 13:59:00.000
2004-06-30 13:59:00.000
2000-02-28 13:00:59.000

(所影响的行数为 7 行)
