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imp73   system/manager   file=d:\test.dmp   grants=y   indexes=y   full=y   ignore=y   log=d:\test.log

Connected   to:   Oracle7   Server   Release   -   Production
With   the   distributed,   replication   and   parallel   query   options
PL/SQL   Release   -   Production

Export   file   created   by   EXPORT:V07.03.04   via   conventional   path
.   .   importing   table                                         "DEF$_CALL "                     0   rows   imported
.   .   importing   table                                 "DEF$_CALLDEST "                     0   rows   imported
.   .   importing   table                           "DEF$_DEFAULTDEST "                     0   rows   imported
.   .   importing   table                           "DEF$_DESTINATION "                     0   rows   imported
.   .   importing   table                                       "DEF$_ERROR "                     0   rows   imported
.   .   importing   table                             "PRODUCT_PROFILE "                     0   rows   imported
.   .   importing   table                                   "USER_PROFILE "                     0   rows   imported
.   importing   SCOTT 's   objects   into   SCOTT
.   .   importing   table                                                 "BONUS "                     0   rows   imported
.   .   importing   table                                                   "DEPT "
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_DEPT)   violated
Column   1   10
Column   2   ACCOUNTING
Column   3   NEW   YORK
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_DEPT)   violated

Column   1   20
Column   2   RESEARCH
Column   3   DALLAS
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_DEPT)   violated
Column   1   30
Column   2   SALES
Column   3   CHICAGO
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_DEPT)   violated
Column   1   40
Column   2   OPERATIONS
Column   3   BOSTON                     0   rows   imported
.   .   importing   table                                                     "EMP "
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7369
Column   2   SMITH
Column   3   CLERK
Column   4   7902
Column   5   17-DEC-1980:00:00:00
Column   6   800
Column   7  
Column   8   20
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7499
Column   2   ALLEN
Column   3   SALESMAN
Column   4   7698
Column   5   20-FEB-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   1600
Column   7   300
Column   8   30
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7521
Column   2   WARD
Column   3   SALESMAN
Column   4   7698
Column   5   22-FEB-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   1250
Column   7   500
Column   8   30
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7566
Column   2   JONES
Column   3   MANAGER
Column   4   7839
Column   5   02-APR-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   2975
Column   7  
Column   8   20
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7654
Column   2   MARTIN
Column   3   SALESMAN
Column   4   7698
Column   5   28-SEP-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   1250
Column   7   1400
Column   8   30
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1

IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7698
Column   2   BLAKE
Column   3   MANAGER
Column   4   7839
Column   5   01-MAY-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   2850
Column   7  
Column   8   30
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7782
Column   2   CLARK
Column   3   MANAGER
Column   4   7839
Column   5   09-JUN-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   2450
Column   7  
Column   8   10
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7788
Column   2   SCOTT
Column   3   ANALYST
Column   4   7566
Column   5   19-APR-1987:00:00:00
Column   6   3000
Column   7  
Column   8   20
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7839
Column   2   KING
Column   3   PRESIDENT
Column   4  
Column   5   17-NOV-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   5000
Column   7  
Column   8   10
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7844
Column   2   TURNER
Column   3   SALESMAN
Column   4   7698
Column   5   08-SEP-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   1500
Column   7   0
Column   8   30
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7876
Column   2   ADAMS
Column   3   CLERK
Column   4   7788
Column   5   23-MAY-1987:00:00:00
Column   6   1100
Column   7  
Column   8   20
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7900
Column   2   JAMES
Column   3   CLERK
Column   4   7698
Column   5   03-DEC-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   950
Column   7  
Column   8   30
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7902
Column   2   FORD

Column   3   ANALYST
Column   4   7566
Column   5   03-DEC-1981:00:00:00
Column   6   3000
Column   7  
Column   8   20
IMP-00019:   row   rejected   due   to   ORACLE   error   1
IMP-00003:   ORACLE   error   1   encountered
ORA-00001:   unique   constraint   (SCOTT.PK_EMP)   violated
Column   1   7934
Column   2   MILLER
Column   3   CLERK
Column   4   7782
Column   5   23-JAN-1982:00:00:00
Column   6   1300
Column   7  
Column   8   10                     0   rows   imported
.   .   importing   table                                           "SALGRADE "                     5   rows   imported
.   importing   ASM 's   objects   into   ASM
.   .   importing   table                                       "DOC_STATUS "                   99   rows   imported
.   importing   SYSTEM 's   objects   into   SYSTEM
.   importing   SCOTT 's   objects   into   SCOTT
.   importing   SYSTEM 's   objects   into   SYSTEM
.   importing   DBSNMP 's   objects   into   DBSNMP
.   importing   SYSTEM 's   objects   into   SYSTEM
Import   terminated   successfully   with   warnings.

全是这个错 unique constraint (SCOTT.PK_DEPT) violated
