【原文】A man begins to explore the fat problem in the early 30’s.
【题目】Men usually begins to worry about their weight when they are nearly 40.
【解释】可以看出题目与原文是反义结构。“in the early 30’s”与“nearly 40”是不同的时间段,所以正确答案选Wrong。
【原文】Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants.
【题目】Our direct contact with plants grows with the process of industrialization.
【解释】原文中用“the more ... the farther”的句型表明我们与植物之间的接触越来越少,而题目中用“grow”表明我们与植物之间的接触越来越多,此两种情况正好截然,相反,所以正确答案应为Wrong。
【原文】You may qualify for the Common Interest Group system, if you are one of at least ten adults who are traveling together.
【译文】如果你是至少10个一起旅行的成人中的一个,你可能会适合Common Interest Group模式。
【题目】The Common Interest Group 10 scheme does not apply if there are 11 adults in the group.
【译文】如果一个组里有11个成人,Common Interest Group模式就不适用。