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  Farmers' Markets

  Charlotte Hollings knows she faces a battle. The 23-year-old British farmer and her 21-year-old brother Ben are fighting to save the farm from developers that their father worked on since he was 14. __(46)

  "You don't often get a day off. Supermarkets put a lot of pressure on farmers to keep prices down. With fewer people working on farms it can be isolating,"

  she said. "There is a high rate of suicide and farming will never make you rich!"

  Oliver Robinson, 25, grew up on a farm in Yorkshire. (47) "I'm sure dad hoped I'd stay," he said. "I guess it's a nice, straightforward life, but it doesn't appeal. For young, ambitious people, farm life would be a hard world." For Robinson, farming doesn't offer much "in terms of money or lifestyle." Hollings agrees that economics stops people from pursuing farming rewards:

  "providing for a vital human need, while working outdoors with nature."

  Farming is a big political issue in the UK. __(48)The 2001 foot and mouth crisis closed thousands of farms, stopped meat exports, and raised public consciousness of troubles in UK farming.

  Jamie Oliver's 2005 campaign to get children to eat healthily also highlighted the issue. This national concern spells(带来)hope for farmers competing with powerful supermarkets. __(49)

  "I started going to Farmers' Markets in direct defiance(蔑视)of the big supermarkets__(50)It's terrible," said Londoner Michael Samson.

  A. But he never considered staying on his father and grandfather's land.

  B. While most people buy food from the big supermarkets, hundreds of independent Farmers' Markets are becoming popular.

  C. While confident they will succeed, she lists farming's many challenges:

  D. Young people prefer to live in cities.

  E. I seriously objected to the super sizing of everything what exactly do they put on our apples to make them so big and red?

  F. "Buy British" campaigns urge(鼓励)consumers not to buy cheaper imported foods.



  Migrant (移民的) Workers

  In the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another. While some countries have restricted most__(51)to local people, others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the case in the Middle East, __(52)increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to call in outsiders to improve local facilities. Thus the Middle East has attracted oil. workers __(53)the U.S.A. and Europe. It has brought in workers from many countries, __(54) South Korea and Japan.

  In view of the difficult living and working __(55)in the Middle East,

  it is not surprising that the pay is high to attract suitable workers. Many engineers

  and technicians call __(56) at least twice as much money in the Middle East

  as they can in their own country, and this is a major__(57).

  Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating(补偿的)advantage. For example,

  the(58)living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers

  have to __(59)on each other for safety and comfort. In a similar way, many migrant workers can save large sums of money partly because of the __(60)of entertainment facilities.

  The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely__(61) I greater challenge to engineers who prefer to find solutions to problems rather than do routine work in their home country.

  One major problem which__(62) migrant workers in the Middle East is that their jobs are temporary ones. They are nearly always on__(63), so it is not easy for them to plan ahead with great confidence. This is to be __(64) since no country welcomes a large number of foreign workers as permanent residents. In any__(65),migrant workers accept this disadvantage, along with others, because of the considerable financial benefits which they receive.

  51. A. cases B. jobs C. activities D. uses

  52. A. which B. what C. who D. where

  53. A. from B. with C. in D. of

  54. A. opposing B. limiting C. including D. asking

  55. A. parts B. conditions C. methods D. clothes

  56. A. earn B. borrow C. change D. cost

  57. A. role B. difficulty C. event D. attraction

  58 A. necessary B. normal C. difficult D. good

  59 A. depend B. look C. base D. go

  60. A. range B. lack C. lot D. number

  61 A. presents B. accepts C. takes D. meets

  62. A. invites B. affects C. needs D. reflects

  63. A. investment B. strike C. contract D. duty

  64. A. suggested B. reported C. indicated D. expected

  65. A. time B. attempt C. way D. case
