Maintaining 维持:preserving
Tolerate 忍耐:endure
Obtain 获得 get
Roll back 减少 reduce
Stimulating 刺激 encouraging
Depressed 降低,使沮丧 lowered
Stringent 严厉的 strict
Magnified 加强,加剧 intensified
Forage 觅食 feed
Dictates 决定 determines考试用书
Witnessed 看到 observed
A break with 分开 a departure from
Conserve 维持,保留 retain
Counteracted 否定,抵消 negated
In season 应季 a particular time of year
Fixture 寻常物品 commonplace object
Nevertheless 但是 however
Rotates 转动,改变 turns
Readily 容易地,欣然地 easily
Constituting 组成 making up
Pits 洞,坑 holes
Disputes 争论 arguments
Unrestricted 不受限制的 unlimited
Snap 折断 break
Fed 吃/放入 put
Exposed to 易受影响的,受支配 subjected to
Exert 引起,导致 cause
Diffuses 穿过,扩散 travels外语学习网
Rapture 破裂 burst
Miniscule 微小的 tiny
Enables 使能够 allows
Aesthetically 美学的,艺术的 artistically
Refreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的 unusual
Devote 奉献 dedicate
Bound 系,绑 tied
Assembling 聚集 gathering