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谢振礼 雅思(UK)作文范文:分工合作‏

   8440 IELTS Writing :分工合作

  "Doing Things in Groups or Alone?"

  Jeenn Lee Hsieh 谢振礼老师原创

  >类似真题 Essay Topic (UK):

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Group and team activities are more important than the activities done alone, because they teach us important life skills." Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  >实验范文 Example Writing (Jeenn Lee Hsieh):

  Some of the most important life skills can be learned through doing things in a group as teamwork teaches each member when to become "me" rather than "I". It has often been said that "many hands make light work," but it may so happen that "too many chefs spoil the soup." Good teams mean making the most of individual talents; bad groups mean members blaming one another.

  There are many advantages of group activities when things go well, which can create an environment of support and propel all members toward implementation. Such environment can boost the confidence of individuals, allowing them to do their work in a more efficient way than they would do it alone. Whereas one member might be weak and another might be strong, working together they are likely to provide the perfect resource for a successful organization. Thus, the more they work in group activities, the more they learn to become better members of a team. It is that each member is constantly reminded that there is no "I" in team and that learning good communication and relationships is all there is to it.

  Working in a group does not always please all members, though, especially when things go in the wrong direction. This being the case, chances are that they might be blaming each other without resorting to appropriate communication and good relationships. Indeed, sometimes there too many people and too many ideas to come to an agreement and achieve a cooperative result. That is why some people, being unable to leave their egos behind, prefer to do things ALONE, if only to avoid conflict and resentment. It is understandable that individuals would feel inferior and unimportant if a team could not function properly. Honestly, for people in this category there are lessons about teamwork to be learned because none of the members is better than all of them.

  In general, the benefits of team activities outweigh the advantages of individual activities in the social and economic context. Basically, "two heads are better than one," so to speak. After all, cooperation can teach such life skills as are important in an increasingly competitive world. (Essay created by 谢振礼 Jeenn Lee Hsieh, ielts360toefl@hotmail.com )

  》雅思+托福185实验范文. 猫头鹰在线写作实验室(2011-2012).2012年10月15日记录代号与小标题.






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