原文应该是Charles M. Peters 1983年的一篇文章叫observations on maya subsistence and the ecology of a tropical tree,有条件的G友可以上网找。。。以下是一点总结:
这植物叫B. alicastrum,又叫maya nut.
Miksicek et al.,说B. alicastrum长得很好,这个是玛雅文明的证明,。
文章很长,ets估计节选了后面的:作者谈到frugivorous bats eat the fruit and later drop the seed intact...bat-dispersed seed...总而言之,maya ruins旁边有很多B. alicastrum is a result of normal ecological process does not in itself negate the possibility that the tree was used by the Maya. 因为B. alicastrum很有nutrition,是maya人的staple food.