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avoid subsequent amendments 避免日后修改


be in acknowledgement of sb.’s help 对某人的帮助表示感谢

acknowledge sb.’s letter 向某人表示来信已收到

a firm offer 确定发盘

accept an offer 接受发盘

confirm an offer 确认发盘

decline an offer 拒绝发盘

extend an offer 延长发盘

counter-offer 还盘

counter bid 还盘

make an offer 发盘

renew an offer 更新发盘

withdraw an offer 撤销发盘

the validity of an offer 发盘有效期

offer subject to final confirmation 报盘以最后确认为准

offer without engagement 无约束力的报盘

printed shirting 印花细布

a descriptive catalogue 附有说明的分类目录

quote sb for sth 向某人报价

a quotation of prices 报价单

conclude the transaction with sb 与某人达成交易

make a concession to sb 对某人让步

make an exception of 把……作为例外

with the exception of 除……外

without exception 一概,无例外的

much to our regret 我们很遗憾

to be candid with sb 坦白的对……说

be rather too high for the market ……高于市场

margin of profit 利润

take into consideration 考虑到

in a position to 能够做

on the high side 偏高

term of payment 支付条款

as a matter of fact 事实上

without exception 无例外的

conclude the transaction 达成交易

on account of 由于

a trial order 试订单

on the understanding that 在……条件下,以……为条件

in accordance with 按照或依据某事物

be in urgent need of 急需

by return 由下一班邮递

Sales Confirmation 售货确认书

Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书

in duplicate 一式两份

in triplicate 一式三份

for our file/record 供我方存档

avoid subsequent amendments 避免日后修改

rest assured that 放心

shipping instructions 装运指示

as requested 依照请求

in accordance with 与……一致

rush the L/C 速开信用证

Please see to it that 请务必注意……

conform to 与……一致

invite your attention to 请你们注意

have one’s attention 引起某人注意

in due course 在适当的时候

draft at sight 即期汇票
