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amount both in figures and in words 用数字和文字描述金额


take into consideration 考虑到

in a position to 能够做

on the high side 偏高

term of payment 支付条款

as a matter of fact 事实上

without exception 无例外的

conclude the transaction 达成交易

on account of 由于

a trial order 试订单

on the understanding that 在……条件下,以……为条件

in accordance with 按照或依据某事物

be in urgent need of 急需

by return 由下一班邮递

Sales Confirmation 售货确认书

Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书

in duplicate 一式两份

in triplicate 一式三份

for our file/record 供我方存档

avoid subsequent amendments 避免日后修改

rest assured that 放心

shipping instructions 装运指示

as requested 依照请求

in accordance with 与……一致

rush the L/C 速开信用证

Please see to it that 请务必注意……

conform to 与……一致

invite your attention to 请你们注意

have one’s attention 引起某人注意

in due course 在适当的时候

draft at sight 即期汇票

clean draft 光票

documentary draft 跟单汇票

draft at 30 days sight 30天远期汇票

bill of lading 提单

commercial invoice 商业发票

insurance policy 保险单

certificate of origin 原产地证明

at your earliest convenience 尽早

as an exceptional case 作为例外

do one’s best 尽最大努力

in spite of 尽管

amendment to the L/C 修改信用证

amendment advice 修改通知

amount both in figures and in words 用数字和文字描述金额

in the circumstances 在这种情况下

be aware of 知道,明白

apply for 申请

import license 进口许可证

direct steamer 直轮

for the one’s account 由某人承担

shipping space 舱位

go forward 运出

forwarding agents 货运代理

referring to 关于

passage through customs 通关

to the effect that 大意为

due to 预期

valued at 估价为
