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on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上


the leading importer 大进口商

avail oneself of sth 利用,使用

write to sb 给某人写信

exportation country 出口国

utilize the available resources 利用现有资源

international practices 国际惯例

acquaint sb/oneself with sth 是某人/自己熟悉或了解某事物

under separate cover 另封

for your reference/information 以供你方参考

on receipt of 一收到……就

look forward to sth/doing sth 期待

owe one’s name and address to… 从……得知某人的名称和地址

through the courtesy of 承蒙介绍

on the recommendation of 在……介绍下

be recommended to sb by… 由……介绍

specialize in 专营

cotton piece goods 棉布匹

general merchandise 杂货

in the market for 想购买

assure sb of sth 向某人保证某事

assure sb that 向……保证

deal in 经营,买卖

price list 价格表,价目单

literature 商业文字宣传品的统称

illustrated catalogue 带插图的目录

enter into trade relations 建立贸易关系

on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上

enjoy an excellent reputation 享有极佳的声誉

be of interest 有兴趣,使感兴趣

on a substantial scale 按固定规模

in the hope of 希望

at your end 在贵方所在地

push the sales of 推销

have a mind 有意向

good sellers 畅销品

fall within the scope of 属于……范围

it goes without saying that 无须说

financial standing 财务状况

modes of business 经营业务的方式

be good enough to 劳驾

obtain for 提供给

be treated as 当做……来看

on one’s part = on the part of 在贵方

on our behalf 代表我方

in meeting payment dates 按期付款

in view of 考虑到……

the textile industry 纺织业

petty dealer 小商贩

actual price 实际价格

average price平均价格

base price 基价
