invoice, 发票
invoice no., 发票号
port of shipment, 启运港
port of destination, 目的港
date of shipment, 启运日期
mark & no., 唛头
commodity code, 商品号码
description, 商品描述
quantity, 数量
price, 价格
unit price, 单价
total amount, 总量
net weight, 净重
gross weight, 毛重
measurement, 度量单位
packing, 包装
sales contract no, 销售合同号
packing list, 箱单
package no., 装箱号
total packages, 总箱数 specification, 规格
country of origin, 原产地
contract confirmation,合同确认书
shipper, 发货人
bill of lading,装船单