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第九课时15. The missing boys were last seen __________ near the river. A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play一个感觉 feel like两个听 hear ...
第九课时15. The missing boys were last seen __________ near the river.      A. playing                 B. to be playing      C. play                       D. to play一个感觉 feel like两个听 hear / listen to三个让 make / have / let四个看 see / look / observe / watchhelp 半个help两均可,被动以后to还原 29. John was made _________ the truck for a week as a punishment.      A. to wash        B. washing      C. wash            D. to be washingto与do不共存的省略:    do but (but后省略to)        I have no choice but to call the police.        I have nothing to do but call the police.    主语中出现do / did / does,表语的to要省略        What I want to do is go shopping. to不省略的一种形式:    warn sb. to do / wait to do / offer / order / lead / love / fail / hope /    happen / expect / ask / allow / decide / manage / afford / permit / prefer /    pretend / said 13. The patient was warned _______ oily food after the operation.      A. to eat not        B. eating not      C. not to eat        D. not eating7. I would love _________ to the party las本_资_料_来_源_于_贵_州_学_习_网 gzu521.comt night but I had to work extra    hours to finish a report.    A. to go            B. to have gone    C. going           D. having gone29. He ____ the world record.     A. failed to break       B. failed to breaking      C. failed breaking      D. failed broken 15. -Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?      -Yes. They have better players, so I __________ them to win.      A. hope             B. prefer      C. expect          D. want1. The teacher asked us ______ so much noise.      A. don't make    B. not make    C. not making    D. not to make9. We agreed __________ here but so far she hasn't turned up yet.    A. having met       B. meeting    C. to meet             D. to have met12. Rather than ____ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ___ a bicycle.      A. ride; ride                B. riding; ride      C. ride; to ride            D. to ride; riding24. She pretended ____ me when I passed by.      A. not to see        B. not seeing      C. to not see        D. having not seen 25. Father will not ____ us to use his recorder.      A. have        B. let        C. agree        D. allow不定式一般式:to do(与谓语同时发生)    I am glad to see you.不定式完成式:to have done(发生在谓语之前)    He seems to have read this book. 24. Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computer.      A. to invent                      B. inventing      C. to have invented         D. having invented分词:    现在分词主动进行,过去分词被动状态        boiling point        retired worker        Standing by Liu Qiang, I am listening to the music.(主被动针对主语而言)        I came in, singing.        I came in, followed by two dogs.        分词做状语,看主语        分词做定语,在分词前看到名词,主被动取决于该名词;若无名词,主被动由主        语决定            The bird living in the nest is called Liu Qiang.            The beach polluted by oil belongs to Japan.        分词做补语,在分词前看到名词,主被动取决于该名词;若无名词,主被动由主        语决定            Lao Yu keeps the boy crying.            Lao Yu saw his donkeys tied at the tree. 18. Most of the artists ___________ to the party were from South Africa.      A. invited                  B. to invite      C. being invited        D. had bee本.文,来.源,于.贵,州.学,习.网, n invited23. ____________ more attention, the trees could have grown better.      A. Given       B. To give      C. Giving      D. Having given12. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _____ behind his back.      A. being tied       B. having tied      C. to be tied        D. tied23. The secretary worked late into the night, _____ a long speech for the      president.      A. to prepare     B. preparing      C. prepared       D. was preparing 3. "Can't you read?" Mary said __________ to the notice.    A. angrily pointing        B. and point angrily    C. angrily pointed         D. and angrily pointing倒装:    主倒从不倒    双重否定不倒装    倒装结构两大类,部分全倒主看谓,句首强调there be,部分倒装分四种,否定副    词在句首,only加状语在句首,so ... that结构so提前,承前否定/肯定用neither/    so              Only at night does he feel panic.              Ahead of us is Great Wall.              There is a stone.              not until              Only when you get 800 will you feel better.              so + adj. 全倒              so + adv. 部分倒              Monkey King is so handsome that Tieshangongzhu favored him.              So handsome is Monkey King ...              He studied so hard that he got 800.              So hard did he study that he got 800.              He can deal with this thing. So can I.              Neither can I.