The expressions in this section are said inresponse to a suggestion or to a request about one’s preference. Additionally,there are phrases used to show that one is disinterested or, in some cases,that one wants to appear disinterested。
If you have no specific preference and areagreeable to what others want, you might use one of the expressions thatfollow:
(That’s)okay by me: means “I’m okay with that plan”
(That’s)okay with me: means the same as above
(That’s)fine by me: means “I’m fine with that plan”
(That’s)fine with me: means the same as above
(That)works for me: slang; previously used to confirmappointments, plans, and schedules, but now is used for any situation
Sure,why not?: means “There is no reason not to do it”
(That)sounds good: means “It sounds like a good idea” butis used generally to mean “okay”
(Youcan) count me in: means “I’ll join you; include mein the plans”
I’min: means “I’ll join; I’ll be part of the plans”
I’mgame: means “Sure, I’ll do it”
Ican go along with that: means “I’m okay with that;I’m agreeable with that”
I’mdown with that: slang; means “I’m agreeable tothat”
The expressions in the following list areused when a person doesn’t have a preference or choice. Depending on the toneof voice, I don’t care, It doesn’tmatter, and whatever can showdisinterest or even sarcasm. These expressions are often said as part of alarger sentence. When that occurs they are often followed by a dependentclause, as in some of the examples shown here:
Idon’t care. Eg. I don’t care where we eat for dinner。
Idon’t mind. Eg. I don’t mind what to do。
I’mopen. Eg. I’m open to anything. I’m open towhatever you want to do。
Itdoesn’t matter (to me). Eg. It doesn’t matter to me
what movie we see。
Eitherway. Eg. Either way is fine with me。
Eg. We couldtake a hike, go to the beach or whatever。
The following expressions are used to givethe choice or decision to someone else. They are often used when the speakerdoesn’t have a preference or wants to show respect or deference to someone:
It’sup to you. Eg. It’s up to you. You decide。
It’syour call. Eg. Idon’t care, really. It’s your call。
Whatyou want (or think) Eg. We can do whatever youwant. Whatever you think. It’s yourchoice。