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    Intent 目的,意向 goal
    Administered 管理 managed
    Periphery 外围 outer edge
    Inception 起初beginning
    Fabricating 构成,虚构constructing
    Resort to 采取using
    Ingenuity 机灵,灵巧resourcefulness
    Functional 有功能的,有用的usable
    Significant 有意义的meaningful
    Attained 获得reached
    Flamed 燃烧burned
    Encompass包围,环绕 include
    Came to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要 became important
    Hinged on 依赖 depended on
    Lured 引诱attracted
    Expendable消费品,可以牺牲的 nonessential
    Notwithstanding 尽管despite
    Intricate 错综复杂的complex
    Random 任意的unpredictable
    Optimal 最佳的,最理想的best
    Urged 催促encouraged
    Carried on 继续 continued
    Diverse 不同的varied
    Ensures确保 guarantees
    Suitable 合适的,适宜的appropriately
    Scares 稀有rare
    Resemble 类似look like
    Coarse 粗糙的crude
    Brittle易碎的,脆弱的 easily broken
    Appreciated赏识,意识到 recognized
    Merely 仅仅only
    Emitting 发出producing
    Spanning 跨越 cover
    Pursue 追赶catch
    Altogether 完全的completely
    Intensive 集中的,透彻的concentrated
    Prevailed 流行,盛行dominated
    Depicted 描述described
    Foremost 首要的 leading
    Meteoric流星的,迅速的 rapid
    Apace with 快速的,急速的as fast as
    Wider 宽广的more extensive
    Thereby 因此,在那方面by that means
    Unique 唯一的,独特的singular
    Rotting 腐烂的decaying
    Key 关键的important
    Converted修改 changed
    Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor
    Appealing吸引人的 attractive
    Local 场所place
    Boosted推进 raised
    Scope 范围extent
    Prolific多产的,丰富的 productive
    Eager 热心的,渴望的enthusiastic
    Supplement 补充 add to
    Contemporary 当代的,同时代的 written at the same time
    Prized 珍视 valued
    Overtaken 超越,胜出surpassed
    Intervals 间隔 periods
    Freeing 解除 releasing
    Plunge 投入,跳进 drop
    Tangled缠结的,紊乱的 twisted together
    Concealed 隐藏 covered
    Avail themselves 利用 make use
    Accordingly 因此for that reason
    Crucial至关重要的 important
    Ponderous 笨重的heavy
    Attained 达到,获得achieved
    Abundant 丰富的,充裕的plentiful
    Peculiar 独特的,奇异的strange
    Meticulously小心翼翼的 carefully
    Durability 经久,耐久力endurance
    Innovative 创新的 new
    Extract 提取,提炼remove
    Consequence 结果result
    Exceed超越,胜出go beyond
    Generated 产生 cause
    Norm 标准 standard
    Henceforth 今后 from that time on
    Immutable 不可变的unchangeable
    Revered 尊敬 respected
    Consist 一致的,协调的constant

