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职称英语阅读理解背诵之Prolonging Human Life



  1.题目:The writer believes that the population explosion results from
  答案:C) a decrease in death rates.
  2.题目:It can be inferred from the passage that in hunting and gathering cultures
  答案:B) infants could be left dead in times of starvation.
  3.题目:According to the passage, which of the following statements about retired people in the United States is true?
  答案:A) Many of them have a very hard life.
  4.题目:In Paragraph 3, the phrase "this need" refers to
  答案:D) the need take care of sick and weak people.
  5.题目:Which of the following best describes the writer's attitude toward most of the nursing homes, and convalescent hospitals?
  答案:D) Critical.
  1.人口膨胀死亡减 ____________________
  2.狩猎文化婴儿死 ____________________
  3.退休老人生活难 ____________________
  4.照顾病弱是需要 ____________________
  5.作者态度是批评 ____________________ [理工类C]
