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        1.The number of the students in this city has _____ (增加了6倍) in comparison with 2001.

  2. _____ (有些大一新生打定主意) to pursue a master’s degree after undergraduate studies.

  3. _____ (不管任务多么艰巨), we must fulfill it in time.

  4.He had understood nothing, _____ (也没尝试着去) understand.

  5. _____ (随着时间的流逝), they forgot their bitter sufferings.


  1. increased 6 times

  2. Some freshmen make up their minds

  3. No matter how hard the task is However hard the task is No matter how hard the task may be However hard the task may be  

  4.nor did he try to

  5.With the passage of time
