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    Task 1: For each of the following items, study the reading passage and choose A, B or C that best completes the statement (30/150):

  (1)In the sentence "By their accent, their vocabulary, their discourse patterns, speakers identify themselves and are identified as members of this or that speech and discourse community," the phrase "discourse community" means:

  A) communal group B) cultural group C) discourse group

  (2)When the author states: "[The modern, historically complex, open societies it is much more difficult to define the boundaries of any particular social group and the linguistic and cultural identities of its members," he implies that an open society is:

  A)a society of many people

  B)a society of diverse discourses

  C)a society of multi-ethnic structure

  (3)"[T]he sense of a Belizean national identity" means a sense of

  A) languageB) belongingC) history

  (4)When the author declares that "there is no necessary correlation between a given racial characteristic and the use of a given language or variety of language," he thinks that the relationship between a language and a culture is

  A) complexB) fixedC) uncertain

  (5)Georges Marchais said, "every man and woman of French nationality is French. France is not a multinational state: it is one nation, the product of a long history...." He probably regarded "'French" as

  A)a historical symbol of a state

  B)a primary token of a national identity

  C)a product of a long history

  Task 2: The following are definitions of the words contained in the above reading passage. Find these words in the paragraphs as marked in the parentheses (20/150):略

  Part B Proofreading (30/150)


  When ∧ museum wants a new exhibit,(1) __a__

  it never buys things in finished form and hangs them (2) _never

  on the wall. When a natural history museum

  wants an exhibition, it must often build it.(3) exhibit
