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   4. Half of the men in the study added 30 grams of flaxseed daily to their diets for about 30 days. Half of the flaxseed group also went on a low-fat diet. After the surgery, the researchers looked at the men’s tumor cells to see how quickly the cancer had multiplied. The cancer ceils in both the flaxseed groups grew about 30 to 40 percent slower than the control group6.

   5. But Demark-Wahnefried is not ready to prescribe flaxseed. “It’s a healthy food. It has a lot of vitamins and a lot of fiber. But we can not definitively say at this point you should take flaxseed because it is protective against prostate cancer,” she said, adding that flaxseed now needed to be studied to see if it can prevent prostate cancer.

   6. In the ginseng trial, Debra Barton of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and colleagues tested three different doses of the herb on patients with a variety of cancers who were expected to live at least six months. Twenty-five percent of patients taking a 1,000-rug dose and twenty-seven percent of patients taking a 2,000-mg dose said their fatigue symptoms were “moderately better” or “much better.” Only 10 percent of those taking a 750-mg dose reported an improvement, which was about the same as the placebo group. Patients in the trial took Wisconsin ginseng from a single crop that was tested for uniform potency. It was powdered and given in a capsule form. “I wouldn’t have predicted this, I have to admit,” Davidson said in an interview. “We might want to test this on a large scale7.”
   7. The flaxseed study was funded by the National Institutes of Health8 and the ginseng study was supported by US Public Health Service9 grants.


  ginseng/5dVinseN/n.人参 flaxseed/5flAkssi:d/n.亚麻籽 prostate/5prCsteit/adj.前列腺(的) tumo(u)r/5tju:mE(r)/n.(肿)瘤 rigorous/5ri^ErEs/adj.严格的, 严厉的,精密的complementary/kRmplE5mentErI/adj.补充的 therapy/5WerEpi/n.疗法,治疗 compound/5kCmpaund/n.混合物;化合物;复合物 panel/ 5pAnl/n.小组;小组讨论;(美)(大会中的)小组委员会 oncology/CN5kClEdVi, Cn-/n.肿瘤学 oncologist/CN5kClEdVi, Cn-/n.肿瘤学家 president-elect n.当选(尚未就职的)总统、主席 lignin/l5li^nin/n.木素,木质素 nutrient/5nju:triEnt/adj.有营养的n.营养物 profile/5prEufail/n.侧面,轮廓 prescribe/pris5kraib/v.开处方 fiber/5faibE(r)/( fibre) n.纤维 protective/prE5tektiv/adj.保护(性)的 dose/dEus/n..(一次)剂量 fatigue/fE5ti:^/n.疲劳 symptom/5simptEm/n.症状 placebo/plE5si:bEu/n.安慰剂,安慰剂治疗 potency/`pEJtEnsI/n.药物的效能和效力capsule/5kApsju:l/n.胶囊


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