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/** * 获得单个汉字的ascii. * @param cn char * 汉字字符 * @return int * 错误返回 0 ...

* 获得单个汉字的ascii.
* @param cn char
* 汉字字符
* @return int
* 错误返回 0,否则返回ascii
public static int getcnascii(char cn)
byte[] bytes = (string.valueof(cn)).getbytes();
if(bytes == null || bytes.length > 2 || bytes.length <= 0){ //错误
return 0;
if(bytes.length == 1){ //英文字符
return bytes[0];
if(bytes.length == 2){ //中文字符
int hightbyte = 256 bytes[0];
int lowbyte = 256 bytes[1];

int ascii = (256 * hightbyte lowbyte) - 256 * 256;

//system.out.println("ascii=" ascii);

return ascii;

return 0; //错误

* 根据ascii码到spellmap中查找对应的拼音
* @param ascii int
* 字符对应的ascii
* @return string
* 拼音,首先判断ascii是否>0&<160,如果是返回对应的字符,
public static string getspellbyascii(int ascii)
if(ascii > 0 && ascii < 160){ //单字符
return string.valueof((char)ascii);

if(ascii < -20319 || ascii > -10247){ //不知道的字符
return null;

set keyset = spellmap.keyset();
iterator it = keyset.iterator();

string spell0 = null;;
string spell = null;

int asciirang0 = -20319;
int asciirang;

spell = (string)it.next();
object valobj = spellmap.get(spell);
if(valobj instanceof integer){
asciirang = ((integer)valobj).intvalue();

if(ascii >= asciirang0 && ascii < asciirang){ //区间找到
return(spell0 == null) ? spell : spell0;
spell0 = spell;
asciirang0 = asciirang;

return null;


* 返回字符串的全拼,是汉字转化为全拼,其它字符不进行转换
* @param cnstr string
* 字符串
* @return string
* 转换成全拼后的字符串
public static string getfullspell(string cnstr)
if(null == cnstr || "".equals(cnstr.trim())){
return cnstr;

char[] chars = cnstr.tochararray();
stringbuffer retubuf = new stringbuffer();
for(int i = 0,len = chars.length;i < len;i ){
int ascii = getcnascii(chars[i]);
if(ascii == 0){ //取ascii时出错
string spell = getspellbyascii(ascii);
if(spell == null){
} // end of if spell == null
} // end of if ascii <= -20400
} // end of for

return retubuf.tostring();

public static string getfirstspell(string cnstr)
return null;

public static void main(string[] args)
string str = null;
str = "谢海101普降喜雨";
system.out.println("spell=" cntospell.getfullspell(str));

str = "张牙舞爪》。,";
system.out.println("spell=" cntospell.getfullspell(str));

str = "李鹏,可耻下场。";
system.out.println("spell=" cntospell.getfullspell(str));

str = "猪油,猪八戒。";
system.out.println("spell=" cntospell.getfullspell(str));